Thursday, May 27, 2021

The Ethereum Advantage: ETH, ETHE以太坊的优势:ETH,ETHE

Advantages of Ethereum (ETH 2811):

1. ETH rallied strongly since the beginning of 2021. It surged from January 1st low of 722 to May 12 high of 4380, a 507% increase. Dwarfing bitcoin's merely 132% gain in the same period. This is indicative of strong demand for ETH. It then dropped 60% since 4380 high, found support at 1730 and has rallied back to near 2900, a 67% bounce. The strong bounce back is indicative of a bottom may have been reached. Looking at ETH chart, there are plenty of support around 2000. Near term resistance s are 3000 then 3200. Stronger resistance is around 3500 to 3600. It is too severe of drop to ignore and not to buy. The consensus price target for year end is now set at 10000.

2.  Bitcoin and Ethereum are the top two crypto currencies in capitalization and are well sought by the riches, funds and corporations as they rush in crypto currency investment.

3. Besides storage value, Ethereum is a lot more functional superior than Bitcoin. 

"Ethereum launched in summer 2015 with the aim of expanding the use cases of blockchain and cryptocurrency to encompass all manner of decentralized applications beyond Bitcoin’s initial scope, from permissionless financial services and crowdfunding to new organizational structures.Ethereum was envisioned as a “global computer” that would allow developers to publish and execute apps powered by smart contracts — programmable scripts that facilitate the flow of digital assets. Ethereum's native cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH), not only provides an incentive structure similar to Bitcoin (BTC) in securing and maintaining the network but is also used as “gas” to run transactions through smart contracts. This functions as a security measure to protect the network from inefficient code and attacks by malicious actors."

4. Besides direct purchasing ETH from crypto exchanges, ETHE (25.25) is a trust which tracks the performance of ETH which investors can purchase using their stock account. ETHE support is 25,resistances are 30,32 then 35-36.

以太坊(ETH 2811 )的优势:





4.除了直接从加密货币交易所购买ETH之外,ETHE (28.25)是一种跟踪ETH的表现信托,投资者可以使用股票帐户购买。ETHE 支撑是25, 阻力为30,32然后35-36.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

What famous people say about Bitcoin著名人士对比特币的评价

。Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the Fed prefers to call crypto coins “crypto assets,” because their volatility undermines their ability to store value, a basic function of a currency. “They're highly volatile, see Bitcoin, and therefore not really useful as a store of value. They're more of an asset for speculation. So they're also not particularly in use as a means of payment. It's essentially a substitute for gold rather than for the dollar." ---Bloomberg

。Hester Pierce, Commissioner, US Securities and Exchange Commission;"Regulators in some jurisdictions will try to curtail activity in this space, but because of its nature as a peer-to-peer technology, that's a very difficult thing to do. It's far wiser for regulators to spend their time thinking about allowing crypto to interact with our traditional legacy financial system. That's a much better way for regulators then to get to know the technology and to get to know this asset class."

。Elon Musk, who briefly became the wealthiest person in the world in January 2021, previously called Bitcoin’s design “brilliant” back in 2019 and has recently made his support for the digital currency public. Furthermore, his company, Tesla, has also announced the purchase of $1.5 billion in BTC, which makes up 7.7% of Tesla’s gross cash position and roughly 15% of the net cash position.--- 

。Michael Saylor, CEO, Microstrategy Inc “Bitcoin is less risky than holding cash, less risky than holding gold.” Other private and public companies will likely get into Bitcoin in the next three to six months, he predicted. “It will probably be private companies first, because they don' t have as much inertia. The public companies our size, then mid-sized companies. Volatility isn't really a reason to sell. Right now this is the only thing we can find with a positive real yield."

。The Carlyle Group’s co-founder, billionaire David Rubenstein, says that the idea of the government stopping cryptocurrency from being something that investors want is unrealistic.The Carlyle Group, a private equity, asset management, and financial services corporation. In 2015, Carlyle was the world’s largest private equity firm by capital raised over the previous five years, according to the PEI 300 index. David Rubenstein believes that cryptocurrency is here to stay. It’s not going away as “It’s clearly something that the market wants,” he said.Rubenstein said: “Crypto has come from nowhere to be a force in the market. It’s in effect a gold substitute for some. … It’s here to stay. Cryptocurrency is not going away, just like gold is not going away.” He added.

。Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman says he has given up predicting the imminent demise of bitcoin. The economist now suggests thinking of the cryptocurrency "as a cult that can survive indefinitely." Nonetheless, Krugman still believes that bitcoin has no

。The legendary hedge fund billionaire Stanley Druckenmiller announced during a television interview that he put money into Bitcoin. In the November 2020 interview, Druckenmiller said the cryptocurrency could be "better" than gold."Bitcoin could be an asset class that has a lot of attraction as a store of value to both millennials and the new West Coast money and, as you know, they got a lot of it," Druckenmiller told CNBC "It’s been around for 13 years and with each passing day it picks up more of its stabilization as a brand.""Frankly, if the gold bet works the bitcoin bet will probably work better because it’s thinner, more illiquid and has a lot more beta to it," he 

。 Jack Dorsey,Twitter and Square Inc founder, is a Bitcoin enthusiast and has said he believes the internet will have its own currency in the future.Square said in October 2020, that it had bought around 4,700 Bitcoins for $50million. ---CNBC

。Mike Novogratz, billionaire, Chairman, Galaxy Digital Holdings "That existential threat of Bitcoin not being real is gone. Every institution in the world is participating and so it’s an asset class."

The following two items were added at later hours of May 26:

。Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Fund said he holds bitcoin and he would prefer bitcoin over

。Carl Icahn, billionaire said his firm is planning to get involve in cryptos in a big way, about $100 millions to $1 billion. His firm has $23 billions under management. He said as investors worry over inflation, bitcoin is here to stay.

。美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)表示,美联储更喜欢将加密硬币称为“加密资产”,因为其波动性削弱了其存储价值的能力,而价值是货币的基本功能。 “它们极易波动,请看比特币,因此作为价值存储并没有真正的用处。他们更是一种投机资产。因此,它们也没有特别用作付款方式。它实质上是黄金的替代品,而不是美元的替代品。” ---彭博社

。美国证券交易委员会专员海斯特·皮尔斯(Hester Pierce);“某些司法管辖区的监管机构将试图减少这一领域的活动,但是由于其作为点对点技术的性质,这是一件非常困难的事情。对于监管机构而言,明智的做法是花时间考虑允许加密货币与我们的传统遗留金融系统进行交互。对于监管机构而言,这是更好的了解技术并了解此类资产类别的好方法。”

。埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)于2021年1月短暂地成为世界上最富有的人,此前曾在2019年将比特币的设计称为“辉煌”,最近又公开支持数字货币。此外,他的公司特斯拉还宣布购买15亿美元的BTC,占特斯拉总现金头寸的7.7%,约占净现金头寸的15%。---

。Microstrategy Inc.首席执行官Michael Saylor“比特币比持有现金风险要低,比持有黄金的风险要低。”他预测,其他私人和上市公司可能会在未来三到六个月内采用比特币。 “首先可能是私营公司,因为它们没有那么大的惯性。像我们大小的上市公司,然后是中型公司。波动并不是卖出的理由。现在,这是我们唯一能找到正收益率的东西。” ---

。凯雷投资集团的联合创始人,亿万富翁戴维·鲁宾斯坦(David Rubenstein)说,政府阻止加密货币成为投资者想要的东西的想法是不现实的。凯雷投资集团是一家私募股权,资产管理和金融服务公司。根据PEI 300指数,按过去五年的募集资金计算,2015年凯雷是全球最大的私募股权公司。大卫·鲁宾斯坦(David Rubenstein)认为加密货币将继续存在。他说:“显然,这是市场想要的东西。”鲁本斯坦说:“加密货币无处不在,成为市场上的一支力量。实际上,它是黄金的替代品。加密货币不会消失,就像黄金不会消失一样。”他加说。

。诺贝尔经济学奖得主保罗·克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)说,他已经放弃了对即将到来的比特币消亡的预测。现在,他建议将加密货币视为“可以无限期生存的邪教”。尽管如此,克鲁格曼仍然认为比特币没有基本面。

。传奇的对冲基金亿万富翁斯坦利·德鲁肯米勒(Stanley Druckenmiller)在电视采访中宣布,他将资金投入了比特币。在2020年11月的采访中,德鲁肯米勒(Druckenmiller)表示,加密货币可能比黄金“更好”。,他们得到了很多。” Druckenmiller告诉CNBC,“它已经存在13年了,而且随着时间的流逝,它作为一个品牌的地位越来越稳定。”“坦率地说,如果黄金的投资成功,那么比特币投资可能会更好,因为它的市场还不是很大,流动性低,并且具有更大的波动率“ 他补充说 

。Jack Dorsey,Twitter和Square Inc的创始人,是比特币爱好者,并表示,他相信互联网将拥有自己的货币。Square于2020年10月表示,已以5,000万美元的价格购买了约4,700个比特币。 --- CNBC

。银河数码控股公司董事长,亿万富翁迈克·诺沃格拉茨(Mike Novogratz)“那种比特币不真实的生存威胁已经消失了。世界上每个机构都参与其中,因此它是一项资产类别。” ---


。布里奇沃特基金(Bridgewater Fund)的雷戴利奥(Ray Dalio)说,他持有比特币,并且他宁愿持有比特币而不是债券。

。亿万富翁卡尔·伊坎(Carl Icahn)表示,他的公司正计划大范围涉足加密货币领域,大约1亿至10亿美元。 他的公司管理着230亿美元的资产。 他说,由于投资者担心通货膨胀,比特币将继续存在。

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Sharp Correction In Cryptos Is A Great Opportunity To Get Back In加密货币的急剧修正是重新买入的绝佳机会

There is a massacre overnight in the crypto currency market. ETH at one point dropped 40% to below $2000 while BTC dropped nearly 27% to $32200 overnight. ETH and BTC have now lose 55% and 50% from all time high of $4380 and $64895 respectively. This sharp correction came about as cryptos have rallied sharply in the last month and are overextended, Elon Musk talked bad Bitcoin's energy use  and China announced to restrict banks in transacting cryptos. The crypto correction is too sharp in a very short time and the downside is extended, it is due for a sharp bounce. And crypto is the future trend and is here to stay.  As a matter of fact both Bitcoin and Ethereum are bouncing fast from their supports at $32000 and $2000 respectively. So it is a great opportunity to buy back in now. 

However, it is safer to either buy cryptos direct in crypto exchanges or buy crypto trusts. since they are more direct investment than some crypto related stocks. The following is a list of crypto trusts for different cryptos: 

Bitcoin Trust: GBTC 29.43
Ethereum Trust: ETHE 24.49
Litecoin Trust: LTCN 319,27
Bitcoin Cash Trust: BCHG 24.40
Ethereum Classic Trust:ETCG 39.20
Digital Large Cap Trust: GDLC 27.72

One crypto related stock to buy may be Silvergate Capital (SI 92.39). It is a profitable bank that focuses on crypto currency transactions and finance and it will also the issuer and manager for Facebook's digital currency Diem. 


加密货币市场在一夜之间出现了大屠杀。 ETH一度下跌多于40%至2000美元以下,而BTC隔夜下跌近27%至32200美元。 ETH和BTC现在分别从历史最高点4380美元和64895美元已下跌了55%和50%。这种急剧的修正是由于加密货币在上个月急剧上涨并过度扩张,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)谈论了比特币用能源过度的弊病,中国宣布限制银行进行加密货币交易而引起的。加密在很短的时间内修正太尖锐了,下跌太多,随时会有急剧反弹。事实上,比特币和以太坊都已经从各自的支撑位快速反弹,分别为32000美元和2000美元。加密货币的流行是未来的趋势,一定会持续下发展下去,不会消失。因此,现在从新入市的绝佳机会。


比特币信托:GBTC 29.43
以太坊信托:ETHE 24.49
莱特币信托:LTCN 319,27
比特币现金信托:BCHG 24.40
以太坊经典信托:ETCG 39.20
数字货币龙头信托:GDLC 27.72

一只可购买的与加密货币相关的股票可能是Silvergate Capital(SI 92.39)。 这是一家有盈利的银行,专注于加密货币交易和金融,也将是Facebook数字货币Diem的发行和管理公司。

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

SI: A Way To Profit From Crypto Currency Growth 从加密货币成长中获利的渠道SI

Silvergate Capital Corp (SI) dropped from nearly $188 all time high to May 12 low of around $81, a 57% decrease. It deserves a bounce due to oversold. Thanks to positive Facebook's crypto currency news and CNBC's trading Nation mentioned  a strategy of shorting Coinbase and buying SI as SI's PE is only half of that of  Coin, SI is now trading near $104. As Bitcoin and other crypto currencies going main stream and getting popular, SI's futures sure looks bright. 

Followings are what SI do: 

 1. Silvergate is a specialty bank that focuses on the digital currency industry. The bank has customers that include many of the top cryptocurrency exchange firms. Silvergate also owns the "Silvergate Exchange Network" which is a real-time money transfer system between digital currency exchanges and institutions (i.e. larger banks). (from Harrison Schwartz's article" Silvergate Capital: A Great Cryptocurrency Bank, But More Capital Raises Needed For Growth"

2. Silvergate announced on May 12 that it will become the exclusive issuer of Facebook's Diem U.S. dollar-pegged stablecoin, formerly known as Facebook's Libra project. Silvergate will also manage the reserve dollars for the Diem.

Positives for SI:

 1. Forward PE is 26 and EPS for next year is 40%, this means PEG is an very under value 0.65. For its PEG to get to fair value of 1, SI should be around 160. 

2. SI has only 20 million shares float and nearly 9% shorts, it is a potential short squeeze candidate.

3. SI bottomed at $80 on May 12 and broke above the $100 psychological resistance with above average trading volume. The momentum should be able to drive it up to challenge its 50 day moving average at around $126 near term.

News updated 05/19/2021

4. "Wedbush Securities adds Silvergate Capital (SI) to its Best Ideas List after getting a better understanding about the bank's Diem partnership from Silvergate's management.
Under the agreement, Silvergate, as the exclusive issuer of Diem stablecoins, will retain the interest income generated from investing reserve balances in Treasury securities; previously Wedbush analysts assumed SI would receive only a small management fee and the Diem Association would get the bulk of the interest income. That could lead to revenue in the "hundreds of millions" in a higher rate environment, Wedbush says.Sees the upside potential to SI's earnings as significant; as a result, Wedbush sees the stock as underpriced." ---Seeking Alpha 05/19/2021 

Silvergate (SI)从历史最高位近188美元跌至5月低点81美元左右,跌幅达57%。SI 开始了超卖反弹。由于正面的Facebook的加密货币新闻及CNBC的Tralding Nation提到了做空Coinbase并购买SI的策略,因为SI的PE仅为Coin的一半,SI现在的交易价格已升至近104美元。随着比特币和其他加密货币成为主流并日渐流行,SI的前途看起来很光明。


 1. Silvergate 资金公司(SI)是一家专注于数字货币行业的专业银行。该银行的客户包括许多顶级加密货币交换公司。 Silvergate还拥有“ Silvergate交易网络”,该网络是数字货币交易所与机构(即大型银行)之间的实时汇款系统。 (摘自Harrison Schwartz的文章“银门资本:一家伟大的加密货币银行,但需要更多的资本筹集增长资金” (" Silvergate Capital: A Great Cryptocurrency Bank, But More Capital Raises Needed For Growth")

2. Silvergate于5月12日宣布,它将成为Facebook 美元挂钩的稳定币Diem(之前称为Facebook的Libra项目)的独家发行公司。 Silvergate还将管理Diem的储备金。



2. SI仅有2000万股流通股和近9%的空头,这是潜在的逼空候选股。

3. SI在5月12日跌至80美元的低点后开始反弹,今天并突破了100美元的心理阻力位,交易量高于平均水平。这种动能应该能够使其近期会挑战的50日移动均线126美元水平附近。

4. “在获得Silvergate管理层对银行与Diem合作关系的更好理解之后,Wedbush证券将Silvergate Capital(SI)加入了其最佳股票清单。根据协议,Silvergate作为Diem稳定币的独家发行公司,将保留投资于国债的准备金余额所产生的利息收入; 以前,Wedbush的分析师认为,SI仅会收取少量管理费,而Diem协会将获得大部分的利息收入。 Wedbush说,这可能会在较高利率的环境中导致“数以亿美元计”的收入。Wedbush认为该股票被低估了。” --- SeekingAlpha