Sunday, February 12, 2023

Why I Am So Excited About Pi Network And New Era Cryptos 为什么我对 Pi 网络及新生代加密货币如此兴奋

Pi is by far the crypto network with most users (35 millions +) covering over 200 countries worldwide. It has KYCed (ID verified) about 10 millions users and KYC is a must for a crypto to be able to accept by countries. The other must before countries accepting a crypto that is not energy wasting in mining, and Pi satisfied this also. The 2023 Pi Network Hackathon is happening right now. There are over 5300 teams (and still increasing) have join in building Apps for Pi Network. When this event is completed, Pi Network will be a crypto network with the most Apps to serve the world. In conclusion: There are no other crypto network so far that has vast user base, KYC ready, environmentally clean, most Apps and is ready to be adopted by all countries in the world as Pi. 

Things that the world is focusing on in development in 2023 are:Web 3, digital currency, AI and Metaverse. These are technological trends that are happening and Pi is the only public blockchain that is ready to carry them all.

Pi's potentials are: It might become the digital currency of choice to use for bartering and services by people all over the world. It might become a super sovereign digital currency which sovereign digital currencies depend on to go oversea. It might become the first blockchain system to usher in the era of the revolutionary Web 3. There is no other system that is as powerful and as ready as Pi Network so far. 

After 4 years of development Pi Network is on the verge of going Open Mainnet. It is going to shock the world once that happened and its acceptance will be explosive. 

The arrival of every new era creates a group of rich people. The new era of the Pi Network is upon us. Pi network is a great revolution in the world of Internet, finance and Peer to Peer market place, which will greatly change people's lives.  Don't miss this golden opportunity to become rich in life. 

For those of us already recognized it, keep on mining and promote it. For those who had given up, re-activate quickly. For those who don't know what's happening, join first then research. This is really a money falling from sky matter!

New era crypto networks that support Web 3 and are useful for the world are the way to go. These new era cryptos are going to replace a lot of the existing cryptos because of their usefulness not just hype. Useful cryptos are going to prosper while useless cryptos can not survive. Don't get stuck in trading crypto to rich mindset and follow the trend. The following blog describes these networks and how to join them for free:…

Pi 是迄今为止拥有最多用户(超过 3500 万)的加密网络,覆盖全球 200 多个国家。 大约 1000 万用户已经通过 KYC(通过身份验证),KYC 是加密货币能够被各国接受的必要条件。 另一各国接受的必要条件是在挖矿时不浪费能源,Pi 也满足了这一点。 2023 年 Pi 网络黑客马拉松比赛正在进行中。 有超过 5300 个团队(并且还在增加中)加入了为 Pi 网络构建应用程序。 当这个事情完成后,Pi 网络将成为一个拥有最多应用程序的加密网络来服务世界。 结论:到目前为止,还没有其他加密货币网络比得上Pi拥有这样庞大的用户群、KYC 就绪、环境清洁、最多应用程序并准备好被世界所有国家采用。

2023 年世界关注的发展方向是:Web 3、数字货币、AI(人工智能) 和 元宇宙。 这些都是正在发生的技术趋势,而 Pi 是唯一准备好承载所有这些趋势的公共区块链。

Pi 的潜力是: 它可能成为全世界人们用于交换和服务的首选数字货币。 它可能成为主权数字货币出海所依赖的超级主权数字货币。 它可能成为第一个迎来革命性 Web 3 时代的区块链系统。到目前为止,没有其他系统像 Pi 网络一样强大和准备就绪。

经过 4 年的发展,Pi 网络即将开放主网。它将震惊世界,它的接受度将是爆炸性的。

每一个新时代的到来都会造就一批富人。 Pi 网络的新时代即将到来。 Pi 网络是互联网、金融和点对点市场领域的一场伟大革命,将极大地改变人们的生活。 不要错过这个致富的黄金机会。

对于我们这些已经认识到它的人,请继续挖掘并推广它。 对于那些参加了而又放弃的人,请迅速重新激活。 对于那些不知道发生了什么的人,先加入然后研究。 这真是天上掉钱下来的事情啊!

支持 Web 3 并对世界有用的新时代加密货币网络是趋势。这些新时代的加密货币将取代许多现有的加密货币,因为它们的具实用性而不仅仅是炒作。有用的加密货币会繁荣,而无用的加密货币将无法生存。不要陷入炒加密货币至富的心态,要跟随趋势走。 以下博文描述了这些网络以及如何免费加入它们:…

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Omega Follows The Success Of Pi, It's Not Too Late To Join 欧米茄Omega跟随 Pi 的成功路线,加入还为时不晚

Omega Network

Mission: Build an OM cryptocurrency and smart contract platform. Use decentralization of science, engineering, and technology to change the world and revolutionize people's Internet usage habits.

Vision: Build a one-layer trading platform with deep liquidity that connects traders, exchanges, institutions, DeFi platforms, wallets, and dApps. Furthermore, apply Web3 technology applications to life.

OM Network is the product of the Omega Network Team's effort to create a true alternative currency similar to PI Network. We aim for Om to become a gold coin and PI to be a diamond coin.

Omega Network is committed to using blockchain technology to establish an open internet platform and an ecosystem of Dapps (decentralized applications). We will gradually introduce applications of Blockchain to life, such as blockchain social networks, e-commerce, Web3, and e-wallet .Our ultimate goal is Omega coin to become an immortal coin and contributes to the value chain of the Omega Network platform. 

By 2050 there will be about 9.7 billion people in the world. Our goal is for everyone to know Blockchain and Omega Network. Moreover, each person has the right to own 0.1 OM. Omega Network's target is for the value of one OM will equivalent to the world GDP per capita. So we calculated and came up with a viable number of coins. Total supply: 970,000,000 OM (970 million coins)

Omega Network is registered as a Private Limited Company in the United Kingdom. Find out more information:

James Brown (JB) is the Founder and CEO of Omega Network. He will appear in public when Omega Network enters the mainnet phase.

The company was established on 2022-09-30. Charter capital: GBP 15,000,000

Steps to join Omega mining:

Go to and down load App from Apple App Store, Google Play or Android

Register and use referral code omegawkh to start mining.

欧米茄网络 (Omega Network)

使命:建立一个OM加密货币和智能合约平台。 利用科学、工程和技术的去中心化改变世界,彻底改变人们的互联网使用习惯。

愿景:构建一个连接交易者、交易所、机构、DeFi平台、钱包和dApp的具有深度流动性的单层交易平台。 再者,将Web3技术应用到生活中。

OM网络 是 欧米茄网络 团队努力打造类似于Pi 网络( PI Network) 的真正替代货币的产物。 我们的目标是让 Om 成为金币,PI 成为钻石币。

Omega Network致力于利用区块链技术建立一个开放的互联网平台和Dapps(去中心化应用)生态系统。 我们将逐步把区块链的应用引入生活,如区块链社交网络、电子商务、Web3、电子钱包等。我们的最终目标是欧米茄币成为不朽的币,为欧米茄网络平台的价值链做出贡献。

到 2050 年,世界上将有大约 97 亿人口。 欧米茄网络的目标是让每个人都知道区块链和欧米茄网络。 而且,每个人都有权拥有0.1 OM。欧米茄网络 的目标是让 1 OM will 的价值相当于世界人均 GDP。 所以 欧米茄计算并得出了可行数量的代币。 总供应量:970,000,000 OM(9.7 亿枚代币)

Omega Network 在英国注册为私人有限公司。 了解更多信息:

James Brown (JB) 是 Omega Network 的创始人兼首席执行官。 当 Omega Network 进入主网阶段时,他将出现在公众面前。

公司成立于2022-09-30。 注册资本:15,000,000 英镑

加入 Omega 挖矿步骤:

前往 并从 Apple App Store、Google Play 或 Android 下载 App
