Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Two New Era Crypto Currencies You Can Mine The Most In A Day

Catstar (CATSTAR):

Catstar crypto Network is a revolutionary new project that is set to revolutionize the way we use digital currencies. With its innovative technology and advanced features, Catstar is poised to become one of the go-to cryptocurrency for everyday transactions.

Catstar is a decentralized network that allows users to securely and quickly transfer funds without the need for a third-party. Transactions are verified by a distributed network of computers, ensuring that all transactions are secure and fast. Additionally, Catstar is powered by a consensus algorithm that allows the network to remain secure and reliable.

This project aims to provide a secure, reliable, and cost-effective platform for users to access the world of digital currencies. The project is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which is a secure, decentralized, and open-source platform. This platform will allow users to securely store, transfer, and trade digital assets.

Twitter followers: 164.9K

Active users: 1.37M

Mining rate : 0.01 CATSTAR/ second

How to join: Register after downloading CatStar on Google Play

Referral code: FD9NRB

Cheatmoon Network(wCTM):

 Cheatmoon is a new DeFi network founded on the belief that it is your basic right to control and protect your money, digital footprint and identity. We believe that decentralization holds the key to empowering people around the world to better safeguard their assets, and that we are helping the world move in this direction by democratizing the earning of cryptocurrency. Cheatmoon is a decentralized cryptocurrency, meaning that it is secure digital cash operated by our community network of users.

Cheatmoon is a new form of digital currency that enables mining on mobile phones hence allowing everyday people to earn cryptocurrency free of the complexities of regular mining and resource intensive processes. The new blockchain innovation brought through the Cheatmoon network applies a gamified experience for all smartphone users by allowing them to start mining without specialized hardware, high consumption devices and makes it free for everyone, worldwide. Cheatmoon’s core vision is not only to capitalize on democratizing the earning of cryptocurrency but to also address the ever so present issues of security, fairness and distribution of coins.

Twitter followers: 169.3K

Active users: over 1M

Mining rate: over 1000/day

How to join:  Register after downloading CheatMoon Network on Google Play

Referral code: wkhmoon



Catstar 加密网络是一个革命性的新项目,它将彻底改变我们使用数字货币的方式。 凭借其创新技术和先进功能,Catstar 有望成为日常交易的首选加密货币之一。

Catstar 是一个去中心化网络,允许用户在不需要第三方的情况下安全快速地转移资金。 交易由分布式计算机网络验证,确保所有交易安全且快速。 此外,Catstar 由允许网络保持安全和可靠的共识算法提供支持。

本项目旨在为用户提供一个安全、可靠、高性价比的平台,让用户进入数字货币的世界。 该项目建立在以太坊区块链之上,这是一个安全、去中心化和开源的平台。 该平台将允许用户安全地存储、传输和交易数字资产。



挖矿速率:0.01 CATSTAR/秒

如何加入:在Google Play下载CatStar 后注册

推荐码: FD9NRB


 Cheatmoon 是一个新的 DeFi 网络,建立在相信控制和保护您的资金、数字足迹和身份是您的基本权利的基础上。 我们相信去中心化是让世界各地的人们更好地保护他们资产的关键,我们正在通过使加密货币的收入民主化来帮助世界朝着这个方向前进。 Cheatmoon 是一种去中心化的加密货币,这意味着它是由我们的用户社区网络运营的安全数字现金。

Cheatmoon 是一种新形式的数字货币,可以在手机上进行挖矿,从而让普通人无需复杂的常规挖矿和资源密集型流程即可获得加密货币。 通过 Cheatmoon 网络带来的新区块链创新为所有智能手机用户提供了一种游戏化体验,让他们无需专门的硬件、高消耗设备即可开始挖矿,并让全世界的每个人都可以免费使用。 Cheatmoon 的核心愿景不仅是利用加密货币收入的民主化,而且还解决一直存在的硬币安全、公平和分配问题。



挖矿率:超过1000 wCTM/天

如何加入在Google Play下载CheatMoon Network后注册
