Sunday, January 31, 2021

What A Beautiful Chart 这图真漂亮

ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (UVXY 14.64)
The investment seeks daily investment results, before fees and expenses, that correspond to one and one-half times (1.5x) the performance of the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Index for a single day. The index seeks to offer exposure to market volatility through publicly traded futures markets and is designed to measure the implied volatility of the S&P 500 over 30 days in the future.

UVXY has been on a downtrend after a 994% surge in four weeks as the stock market sank due to the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in February 2020. It dropped to all time low of 10 in the middle of January 2021, even lower than the 10.40 low made in January 2020. It then surged by 46.4% last week from the low with heavy volume and formed a momentous impulse pattern. This type of move usually signifies the beginning of a bigger surge to follow. Whether it can move as big as March 2020 is still to be seen, but it sure looks likely that rising to 20 to 27 area is very doable in the near term.

ProShares Ultra VIX短期期货ETF(UVXY 14.64)
该投资寻求不计费用和支出的每日投资结果,该结果相当于一天之内标普500 VIX短期期货指数表现的1.5倍。该指数旨在通过公开交易的期货市场提供市场波动的参与,旨在衡量标准普尔500指数在未来30天的隐含波动率。


The Short Squeeze Phenomenon May Have Triggered A Big Correction 逼空现象可能已触发了大调整

One of my favorite stock picking criteria has been to spot stocks with short squeeze potentials. My criteria are stock with less than 50 million shares float, 20% or more short interest, technically stock is ready to breakout. These kind of stocks will likely move big when good news hit and forcing short sellers to cover. If I catch these stocks at the right time, the stocks can move an immediate 20 to 50% up and may even be a double.  What I never dreamt of are 2321% and 789% surges in 16 days for GME and AMC respectively! I have seen a lot of market and stock gyrations in my nearly 40 years involvement in the financial markets, but the latest gigantic short squeezes on stocks are new phenomenons. 

An old  Chinese saying fits today's market situation very well: “When a country is on the verge of decline, there is always demonic happenings.” Only in this case it applies to the stock market, not the country. After  a 91% rise in tech stock heavy Nasdaq 100 under a negative Covid-19 pandemic environment since March 2020, many are expecting the US stock market is due for a big correction but needs a catalyst. I think the catalyst is here, it is the latest short squeeze phenomenon.  This is why:

The Reddit stock group Wallstreetbets had around 3 million follower before the big short squeezes of last week, its followers have grown to over 6 millions in the past few days. This is a very powerful group of investors when they decided to target a stock. What Wallstreetbets has done are making a lot of investors rich but at the same time causing may short sellers to go broke.  Investors Business Daily reported that 9 big investors made over $16 billions while ZeroHedge reported that Melvin Capital lost around $7 billions or 53% of its capital during the big short squeeze on GME. Silver Lake originally invested in AMC convertible bonds. When it looked like a big loss, however unexpectedly, AMC stock price surged by short-squeeze and Silver Lake is able to turned a loss into a profit. Silver Lake converted the bonds into stocks and sold them for a profit of $113 million from a $600 million investment. I am sure there are a lot more hedge funds and individual investors made and lost fortunes during the short squeeze. It is happy event for those that have made a fortune but it's sad for those that have lost a fortune. The focus here are those investors and hedge funds who lost a fortune. These investors and hedge funds are probably in the middle of raising money to meet margin calls. The choices they have are covering their shorts and/or sell other stock holdings to meet margin calls. These actions of scrambling for cash are causing turmoils in the stock market. The more stocks that are getting short squeezed the more serious the situation is. Now that the short squeezes have brought fortunes to many investors, many more short squeeze candidates are going to be uncovered and more fortunes are going to be lost. More fortune lost means more margin calls, more margin calls means more stocks get sold and hence putting strains on the stock market. We should not forget that as the stock market is in turmoil, brokerage firms are also at risk. They need to shore up their capital requirement and putting more restriction in trading.  If one of these brokerage fails, the ripple effect will be so immense that can trigger a financial crisis. The other problem we should not ignore are individual investors who are making a lot of money during short squeezes but have not take profits. Stocks that get hit by short squeezes are mostly not healthy companies as their stock prices are vastly diverge with company fundamentals. Investors who are holders of these stocks are going to attain big losses when stock prices crash down. These will also stress the stock market as more stocks get sold and margin calls are issued.

The US stock market sold off 4 days in a row last week. During last week's sell off, the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, New York Stock Exchange Composite have all closed below their crucial 50 day moving averages while the Nasdaq Composite and Wilshire 5000 dropped below their 20 day moving averages. Important sectors such as Industrial (XLI), Basic Materials (XLB), Energy (XLE) and Financials (XLF) are also below their 50 day moving averages. When you have major market indexes and sectors are trading below their critical 50 day moving average supports, technical damages are done and the odd of continue stock market melt down is very high.  Also negative for the market is Volatility Index (VIX) jumped big to 33, this indicates fear among investors.

In conclusion, the US stock market looks likely to have a big correction coming because of the following reasons:

1. Stock market is over extended and valuations are at historic highs. It needs a correction. 

2. The on going short squeeze on stocks threatens the stability of the stock market.

3. The deterioration of technicals on many major indexes and sectors.

4. The near completion of Q4 2020 earnings, stimulus plan is still being negotiated and amount downsizing is likely.  There is not much good news to look forward to.

5. World Coronavirus cases reached 103,350,614, deaths reached 2,233,799, when will these end?


有句中国古话很符合当今的市场形势:“国之将亡,必有妖孽。” 但现在的情况还只是适用于股票市场,不是国家。自2020年3月以来,在Covid-19大流行不利的情况下,科技股偏重的纳斯达克100指数过份的上涨了91%,所以许多人预计美国股市将进行重大调整,但需要催化剂。我认为催化剂就在这里,就是最新的逼空现象。下面讲讲为什么:

Reddit股票群Wallstreetbets在上周出现大规模逼空之前已有300万关注者,其关注者在过去几天已增长到600万以上。当他们决定对目标股票行动时,这是非常强大的力量。 Wallstreetbets的所作所为使很多投资者变得富有,但同时也可能导致卖空者破产。 《投资者日报》(Investors Business Daily)报道,有9个大投资者赚了共超过160亿美元,而ZeroHedge报告称,在GME出现巨额逼空期间,梅尔文资本(Melvin Capital)损失了约70亿美元,占其资本的53%。Silver Lake 原来投资在AMC可转换股票的债券,眼看投资就要泡汤。不意AMC股价被逼空激活而转亏为盈。Silver Lake立刻将债券换成股票卖出而获利1.13亿美元。原来的投资是600亿美元。我敢肯定的说,在逼空过程中,还会有很多的对冲基金和个人投资者发家致富和大损失。对于那些发大财的人来说这是一个快乐的事情,但对于那些赔大钱的人来说却是可悲的。这里的重点是那些失去财富的投资者和对冲基金。这些投资者和对冲基金可能正在筹集资金以满足追加保证金的要求。他们的选择包括补空和/或卖出其他股票以满足追加保证金的要求。这些急着筹款的行动正在导致股市动荡。被逼空的股票越多,情况就越严重。既然逼空股票为许多投资者带来了财富,那么更多的逼空股票将被发现而导致更多的财富损失。更多的财富损失意味着更多的追加保证金,更多的追加保证金意味着更多的股票被出售,从而给股市带来下跌压力。我们不应忘记,由于股市动荡,券商经纪公司也面临风险。他们需要提高资本储备要求,并在施加更多的交易限制。如果其中一家经纪公司破产,连锁反应将非常巨大,可能会引发金融危机。我们不应该忽视的另一个问题是在逼空股票中赚了很多钱却没有获利的投资者。受到逼空的公司大多不是健康公司,因为它们的股价与公司基本面大相径庭。当这些股票回归正常而价格暴跌时,持有这些股票的投资者将蒙受巨大损失。随着更多 追加保证金通知发出,更多的股票会被抛售,这将给股市带来更大的下跌压力。

上周美股连续四天被抛售。在上周的抛售中,标准普尔500指数,道琼斯工业平均指数,纽约证券交易所综合指数均收于它们关键的50天移动均线之下,而纳斯达克综合指数和Wilshire 5000均跌至它们20天移动均线之下。工业(XLI),基础材料(XLB),能源(XLE)和金融(XLF)等重要板块也低于它们的50天移动平均线。当您看到主要的市场指数和各大重要板块价格低于它们关键的50天移动平均线支撑时,这是严重的技术性破坏,股市持续下跌的可能性非常高。还对市场不利的是,波动率指数(VIX)大涨至33,这表明投资者开始感到担忧。





4. 2020年第四季度财报已接近尾声,经济刺激计划仍在谈判中,而且可能会缩减规模。没有好消息可望。



Friday, January 29, 2021

Stock Market In Big Trouble 股市有大麻烦

US stock indexes opened down, bounced and then accelerated to the downside. $VIX surges over 9% to 33 is indicative of fear. The Dow, S&P 500 and the New York Stock Exchange Composite all dropping below their intermediate trend line 50 day moving averages. If by the close of today these levels are not recovered, more accelerated downside is expected next week. Weak performances of big cap tech stocks such as AAPL, TSLA, FB, AMZN, GOOD and NVDA are worrisome. The chaotic situations in short squeeze stocks such as GME and AMC alike may end badly. Many participants are going to  lose a lot  of money and trigger margin calls which in term will bring in panic selling in other stocks.  Security firms may not have enough capital to deal with the chaotic situation is the other worry. Possible market crash may be coming! 

美国股指低开后反弹,然后加速下跌。$ VIX飙升9%至33显示恐惧。道琼斯指数,标准普尔500指数和纽约证券交易所综合指数均跌至它们的中期趋势线50天移动均线下方。如果到今天结束时这些水平还不能向上收复,那么市场下周有望进一步加速下行。AAPL,TSLA,FB,AMZN,GOOD和NVDA等大型科技股的疲弱表现令人担忧。诸如GME和AMC之类的空头挤压股票的混乱局面可能会导致严重的不良后果。许多参与者将损失大量金钱并触发追加保证金通知,这将导致其他股票的恐慌性抛售。证券公司没有足够资金应付混乱也是担忧。股市有崩盘的可能!

Bitcoin May Challenge New High In The Short Term 比特币短期内或会挑战新高

Elon Musk updated his Twitter bio on Jan. 29 ,  adding the word ‘Bitcoin’. Musk’s bio appeared to be updated on Friday morning, and was followed by a cryptic tweet:

In retrospect, it was inevitable

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 29, 2021

The above actions are good enough to drive Bitcoin from $32000 to over $38000 in 6 hours. Elon Musk had consulted Microstrategy CEO about investing in Bitcoin using company money last year. The speculation is that he may have bought some Bitcoin already and he may announce it at some time. One thing that has been supporting Bitcoin price is that Bitcoin investment return is so lucrative, corporations may follow Microstrategy's lead and buy into Bitcoin. World's richest man with 43 millions twitter follower Elon Musk's endorsement is utmost important. Bitcoin looks likely to make new high in the near term.

Elon Musk于1月29日早上更新了自己的Twitter简历,并添加了“比特币”一词。马斯克的简历似乎也进行了更新,随后是一条神秘的推文:



上述行动足以将比特币在6小时内从32000美元推高到38000美元以上。埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)去年曾就使用公司资金投资比特币咨询了Microstrategy首席执行官。猜测是他可能已经购买了一些比特币,他可能会在某个时候宣布这个消息。支持比特币价格的一件事是,比特币的投资回报是如此丰厚,企业可能会跟随Microstrategy的领导而入市比特币。全球最富有并且有4300万推特跟随者的马斯克(Elon Musk)的支持非常重要。比特币短期内创 新高的机会大。

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Stock Market Correction Starts, Bitcoin Correction Is Over股票市场修正开始,比特币调整结束

After most of the major tech companies reported the earnings, sell off ensued on most of them including AAPL, FB, TSLA, AMD and TXN. These means good earnings have been reflected in stock prices and sell on news is what investors will do. Even though GOOG and AMZN earnings are still to be released on February 2, hope of them leading market up is shaky. Now that Fed meeting is over and the next economic stimulus plan is still to be negotiated, it is reasonable to think that the stock market is going to take the opportunity to correct while waiting for next piece of good news. Today, the Dow, S&P 500, Wilshire 5000, and the New York Stock indexes have all failed to recover above their short term 20 day moving averages and VIX has surged above 30 are signs that the market is ready to come down. Many analysts are looking for a 5 to 10% correction for the US stock market from here. 

Bitcoin is a different story. After a sharp correction from $42000 to $29000 area, it has formed a perfect and bullish Double Bottom pattern in the hourly chart. The correction is over It looks ready to move up and challenge the next two resistances at $35000 and $38000 in the near term. The supports are $31000 and $29000.

在大多数主要科技公司发报了财报之 后,其中大多数股票纷纷被抛售,它们包括AAPL,FB,TSLA,AMD和TXN。这意味着好的收益已经反映在股票价格中,而新闻出来后卖股是投资者要做的。尽管GOOG和AMZN的财报仍要在2月2日才发布,但靠他们引领市场上涨的希望是不实际的。既然美联储会议已经结束,下一个经济刺激计划仍在谈判中,那么有理由相信股市在等待下一个好消息的同时将趁此机会进行修正。今天,道琼斯指数,标准普尔500指数,Wilshire 5000指数和纽约证交所综合指数都未能恢复到它们短期20天移动均线上方,而VIX却飙升至30以上均表明市场已准备好下跌。好几个分析师认为美股会有5 到10% 的下跌调整。


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Most Expensive EV Stock Ready To Come Down 最昂贵的EV股票准备下来

Most of us agree that the most well know high flying EV stocks TSLA and NIO are extremely over value as they are up 727% and 1125% during the last 12 months.  Their forward PEGs are very high 2.97 and infinitive respectively. The fair value for PEG ratio is 1. While these stocks are posting high risks for investors at the moment and are ready to correct at any time, but I am not addressing them today. The stock I am talking about is Blink Charging Co. (BLNK 44.51). At the present ridiculous price level BLNK defies fundamentals, logics and physics. It is likely to have a big correction down.  The problems with BLNK are:

1. 1 year price appreciation is 2176%! This kind of percentage rise is second to none among EV stocks!

2. It is not yet making money, so PEG is infinitive.

3. Price to sale is an outrage 479, and Price to Book is 90. These ratios are second to none among EV stocks. 

4. Technically it has formed a bearish Double Top pattern. It is now testing the up trend line level since early December at 44.5. If this level is broken to the downside, it will likely go down and challenge the 35 support rather quickly. Its resistance is 55.

我们中的大多数人都认为,最知名的电动汽车股票TSLA和NIO在过去12个月中分别上涨了727%和1125%,它们的估值都已是高到极点。它们的前瞻PEG分别为很高的2.97和无限大。 PEG比率的公允价值为1。尽管这些股票目前对投资者已构成高风险,并且随时会下跌调整,但我今天对它们暂且不多谈。我针对的股票是估值更离谱的Blink Charging Co.(BLNK 44.51)。在目前的价格水平,BLNK违反了基本面,逻辑和物理原理。所以很可能会有很大的下跌修正。 BLNK的问题是:

 1. 1年的涨幅为2176%!在电动汽车股票中,这种升幅百分比只有它!

 2. 它尚未赚钱,因此PEG是无限大。

 3. 股价/销售令人目定口呆的479,而股价/帐面价值为90。这些比率在EV股票中是最高的。

 4. 从技术上讲,BLNK已经形成了看跌的双顶形态。现在正在测试自12月初以来的上升趋势线水平44.5。如果该水平被向下击穿,它会很快下去挑战35支撑位。它的阻力位是55.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Stock Market May Rally Till Month End 股市或会上升至月底

US stock market looks likely to rally until the end of January or beginning of February because:

1. Janet Yellen warned congress of " a longer and painful"recession if they fail to support Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus plan. This increase the possibility of a larger stimulus plan.

2. All fronts are quiet now as far as anti-biden violence is concern. The nation's capitol and state capitols are prepared for violence. It looks like the inauguration will go smoothly.

3. Major high techs are mostly report earnings next week and they expected to be good. Earnings schedule for them are: 1/26 MSFT, 1/27 AAPL, FB, 1/28 AMZN, 2/2 GOOG.

To participate on market's rise using bullish ETFs, one may consider buying  FNGU, TQQQ, UDOW, SPXL, TNA, SMH, IBB and/or MJ.


1. 珍妮特·耶伦(Janet Yellen)警告国会,如果他们不能支持拜登的1.9万亿美元刺激计划,那将会带来“更长久而痛苦的”衰退。这增加了国会通过更大的刺激计划的可能性。


3.大型高科技企业大多数都在下周发布财报,并且预期会不错。他们的财报时间表为:1/26 MSFT,1/27 AAPL,FB,1/28 AMZN,2/2 GOOG。

如果要参与市场的上涨,可以考虑使用看涨ETF FNGU,TQQQ,UDOW,SPXL,TNA,SMH,IBB和/或MJ。

Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Value And Growth Stock For EV 电动车的价值及成长股

 If you ask me about TSLA and NIO, I say these two stocks already had their good time after rising 704% and 1187% respectively in the last 12 months. These kind of rises are simply euphoric and base on hope of perfect situations and cannot afford to have any hick ups. Sure EV is the future and we cannot ignore that, but as far as future stock performance is concern, I easily pick GM and F over TSLA and NIO. GM and F have forward PEs of  only 8.67 and 9.62 respectively vs TSLA and NIO's 209 and no PE. GM and F are selling a lot more car than TSLA and NIO now and they are dedicated to accelerate their EV developments. And which auto maker is not focus on EV developments in the world as in the future gasoline operated vehicles will be obsolete? This development  guarantees fierce competitions for TSLA and NIO in a year or two.  This year will likely be the year for TSLA and NIO to come down while GM and F go up. TSLA and NIO PEs are to shrink and PE for GM and F PEs are to expand.

Charts of way overvalued stocks:

Chart of value and growth stocks:

On the coming EV era, one stock that is a guarantee winner is Albemarie Corp. (ALB). This company produce the most important material for battery---Lithium and battery is most important component of an electric vehicle. Goldman Sachs estimates there is roughly 150 lbs. of lithium in Tesla’s Model 3 battery. The same report estimates for every 250,000 electric cars made, lithium demand jumps 70,000 tons/year.ALB controls 25% of the lithium market and owns the purest lithium mines on the planet. ALB will no doubt be the ultimate winner of the EV era.

Albemarle Corporation (ALB 180.14) develops, manufactures, and markets engineered specialty chemicals worldwide. The company operates in three segments: Lithium, Bromine Specialties, and Catalysts. The Lithium segment offers lithium compounds, including lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide, lithium chloride, and value-added lithium specialties, as well as reagents, such as butyllithium and lithium aluminum hydride for applications in lithium batteries for consumer electronics and electric vehicles, high performance greases, thermoplastic elastomers for car tires, rubber soles, plastic bottles, catalysts for chemical reactions, organic synthesis processes, life science, pharmaceutical, and other markets. It also offers cesium products for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries; zirconium, barium, and titanium products for various pyrotechnical applications; technical services, such as the handling and use of reactive lithium products; and recycling services for lithium-containing by-products. The Bromine Specialties segment offers bromine and bromine-based solutions for fire safety, chemical synthesis, mercury control, water purification, beef and poultry processing, and other industrial applications, as well as oil and gas well drilling, and completion fluids applications; and tertiary amines, biocides, disinfectants, and sanitizers. The Catalysts segment offers hydroprocessing catalysts together with isomerization and akylation catalysts; fluidized catalytic cracking catalysts and additives; and performance catalyst solutions comprising organometallics and curatives. The company serves energy storage, petroleum refining, consumer electronics, construction, automotive, lubricants, pharmaceuticals, crop protection, and custom chemistry services markets. Albemarle Corporation was founded in 1994 and is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The positives for ALB:

1. Much better value than any EV stocks: Forward PE 44, Price to Sales 5.91, Price to Book 4.65, dividend 0.85%.

2. Institutions own 90% of stocks, an institution favarite.

3. 27 hedge funds bought into ALB in Q4.

4. Démocrat controlled government is to increase incentives for lithium-ion batteries that power electric cars.

5. Besides Lithium products, ALB is a basic material company that produce materials for many other industrial sectors,it will benefit from economic recovery.

6. Technicals:  ALB has been in a short, intermediate and long term up trends as price is above its 20, 50 and 200 day moving averages. It is near all time high and has been trading narrowly waiting for catalyst to breakout. Supports are 173 and 160. Buy points are on pull back to 160 or on breakout of 187.25. Projected price target is 210 after breakout.

如果您问我有关TSLA和NIO的问题,我会说这两支股票在过去12个月已分别上涨704%和1187%之后好景已经过去。因为这种升幅只是极度乐观的,并且是基于对完美情况的希望,因此它们无法承受任何意外。 EV肯定是未来,我们不能忽视这一点,但是就未来的股票表现而言,我很容易的会选择GM和F而非TSLA和NIO。 GM和F的前瞻PE分别只为8.67和9.62,而TSLA和NIO则是极高的209和没有PE。现在,通用汽车和F的汽车销量都大大超过TSLA和NIO,它们都正在致力于加速电动车的发展。试问全球那家汽车制造商不专心电动汽车的发展的,因为未来汽油汽车将会过时。这一发展保证在一两年内TSLA和NIO将遇上激烈的竞争。所以今年很可能是TSLA及NIO的下跌年而GM及F则上升。TSLA及NIO的PE会下来而GM及F的PE会扩展。



在即将到来的电动汽车时代,Albemarie Corp.(ALB 180.14)是无疑是赢家的一家公司。该公司生产最重要的电池材料-锂,而电池是电动汽车最重要的组件。高盛估计特斯拉3型汽车电池中的锂含量大约有150磅。同一份报告估计,每生产25万辆电动汽车,锂需求将跃升至70,000吨/年。ALB控制着25%的锂市场,并拥有地球上最纯净的锂矿。毫无疑问,ALB将成为电动汽车时代的最终赢家。

 Albemarle公司(ALB)在全球范围内开发,制造和销售特种化学品。该公司的业务分为三个部分:锂,特种溴和催化剂。锂电池部门提供高性能的锂化合物,包括碳酸锂,氢氧化锂,氯化锂和高附加值的锂特种产品,以及丁基锂和氢化铝锂等试剂,这些产品可用于消费电子和电动汽车的锂电池中。润滑脂,用于汽车轮胎的热塑性弹性体,橡胶底,塑料瓶,化学反应催化剂,有机合成过程,生命科学,制药和其他市场。它还为化学和制药行业提供铯产品;用于各种烟火应用的锆,钡和钛产品;技术服务,例如活性锂产品的处理和使用;含锂副产品的回收服务。溴专业领域为消防安全,化学合成,汞控制,水净化,牛肉和家禽加工以及其他工业应用以及油气井钻探和完井液应用提供溴和溴基解决方案;以及叔胺,杀菌剂,消毒剂和消毒剂。催化剂部分提供加氢处理催化剂以及异构化和烷基化催化剂;流化催化裂化催化剂和添加剂;高性能催化剂溶液,包括有机金属和固化剂。该公司服务于储能,炼油,消费电子,建筑,汽车,润滑剂,制药,作物保护和定制化学服务市场。 Albemarle 公司成立于1994年,总部位于北卡罗来纳州的夏洛特。


 1.比任何电动汽车股票的价值都好:前瞻PE 44,价格/销售为5.91,价格/账面价值为4.65,股息为0.85%。






Friday, January 15, 2021

Why The Stock Market Down Today 今日股市为什么下跌

US stock indexes follow through with last nights stock index futures downtrend this morning. The obvious reason for the downturn is investors sell on Biden's stimulus plan news since stock market has already reflected the good news during the recent rise. Investors also worry about interest rate rise and tax hike in the future. Goldman Sachs points out that congress may only pass $1.1 trillion of Biden's $1.9 trillion plan does not help. Other bad news for the morning are: Pfizer confirmed it will temporarily reduce vaccine deliveries to Europe; US December retail sales is down and has been down 3 months in a row; bank earnings are mixed and stocks are down. Worries over riots during the long weekend and next week's presidential inauguration also drag down stocks. Even though the market is bias to the downside,  however, today's monthly options expiration with huge call options may affect market direction.

Today's market news:

1. "President-elect Biden has released the details of his COVID-relief plan, which the transition team estimates to cost $1.9 trillion (8.6% of GDP).We do not expect all of the elements of the proposal to pass, but we are increasing our assumption of additional near-term fiscal measures from $750bn (3.4% of GDP) to $1.1 trillion (5% of GDP). We expect to make modest further upward revisions to our forecast in light of these revised assumptions." ---Goldman Sachs

2. U.S. pharmaceutical company Pfizer confirmed Friday it will temporarily reduce deliveries to Europe of its COVID-19 vaccine while it upgrades production capacity to 2 billion doses per year.Line Fedders said that to meet the new 2 billion dose target, Pfizer is upscaling production at its plant in Puurs, Belgium, which “presupposes adaptation of facilities and processes at the factory which requires new quality tests and approvals from the authorities.” ---ZeroHedge

3. U.S. retail sales declined further in December as renewed measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 undercut spending at restaurants and reduced traffic to shopping malls, the latest sign the economy lost considerable speed at the end of 2020. Retail sales dropped 0.7% last month, the Commerce Department said on Friday. Data for November was revised down to show sales declining 1.4% instead of 1.1% as previously reported. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast retail sales unchanged in December. ---Reuters

4.JPMorgan posted quarterly numbers that analysts said was impressive across the board. Investment banking and equity markets were particularly strong.Wells Fargo missed on the top line and net interest margin was light, combined with weak guidance. Butprofit topped forecasts. Citi stumbled, with FICC (fixed income, commodities and currencies) sales and trading revenue falling short of the Street estimate.---SeekingAlpha



1.  “总统当选人拜登已经发布了他的COVID救助计划,过渡小组估计将耗资1.9万亿$(占GDP的8.6%)。我们不指望所有该提案的细节会被通过 ,但我们正在加大我们对近期的额外财政措施的假设从7500亿美元(占GDP的3.4%)增加到1.1万亿美元(占GDP的5%)。根据这些修改后的假设,我们希望对我们的预测进行适度的进一步上调。”---高盛 

2. 美国制药公司辉瑞制药周五确认,它将暂时减少其向欧洲交付的COVID-19疫苗,同时将生产能力提高到每年20亿剂。菲德斯公司表示,为了达到新的20亿剂剂量目标,辉瑞公司正在扩大其位于比利时普尔的工厂新产品的产量。前提是工厂必须对设施和工艺进行调整,这需要新的质量测试并获得有关当局的批准 ---ZeroHedge 

3. 美国零售销售在12月进一步下降,这是由于采取了新的措施来减缓COVID-19的传播的原因,从而削减了饭店的支出并减少了购物中心的客流量,这是最新的迹象表明经济在2020年底失去了可观的增长速度。商务部周五表示,上个月零售销售下降了0.7% 。十一月份的数据被向下修正,以显示销售下降了1.4%,而不是以前报告的1.1%。路透社调查的经济学家此前预计,12月份零售额将保持不变。 ---路透社

4.  摩根大通(JPM)发布季度数字,分析师称所有数字令人印象深刻。投资银行业务和股票市场表现特别强劲,富国银行(WFC)营业额小于预期,盈利则超预期,但前景指引不佳。花旗银行(C)股票下跌,FICC(固定收益,大宗商品和货币)的销售和交易都收入低于华尔街的估计。---SeekingAlpha

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Biden's Stimulus Plan And Market Reaction拜登的刺激计划和市场反应

Biden's economic stimulus plan:

1. Direct payments of $1,400 to most Americans, bringing the total relief to $2,000, including December’s $600 payments.

2. Increasing the federal, per-week unemployment benefit to $400 and extending it through the end of September.

3. Increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.

4. Extending the eviction and foreclosure moratoriums until the end of September.

5. $350 billion in state and local government aid, $170 billion for K-12 schools and institutions of higher education.

6. $50 billion toward Covid-19 testing.

7.$20 billion toward a national vaccine program in partnership with states, localities and tribes.

8. Making the Child Tax Credit fully refundable for the year and increasing the credit to $3,000 per child ($3,600 for a child under age 6.

US stock index futures started to fall right after Biden announced the stimulus plan earlier today and have been getting worse going into the night. It is a classic sell on news event. Even though the stimulus may help to reopened economy but analysts worried that higher interest rates or tax hikes to pay for the spending down the road could hurt stocks. The already extreme high valuation on stocks make it even worse. Potential riots all over the country and next Wednesday's inauguration are investor‘s concern. Tomorrow's market looks bias to the downside. 

Bitcoin also falls:





4. 将暂停对交不起房租而被逼迁和交不起房贷而被收屋的期限延长至9月底。

5. 3500亿美元的州和地方政府援助,为K-12学校和高等教育机构提供1700亿美元的援助。

6. 500亿美元用于Covid-19测试。

7. 与州,地方和部落合作,为国家疫苗计划拨款200亿美元。


拜登(Biden)今天早些时候宣布了刺激计划之后,美国股指期货开始下跌,到到晚上变得越来越糟。 这是经典的消息发布后的抛售。 尽管刺激措施可能有助于重新开放经济,但分析人士担心,随之而来的高利率或加税以支付现在的支出很可能会伤害股票。已经极端高的股票估值使情况更加糟糕。周末全国各地及下周三的就职典礼潜在的动乱也是投资者的担忧。明天的市场看起来偏向下行。


Short Squeeze On This Stock Imminent?逼空即将发生在这支股票?

Cassava Sciences, Inc.,(SAVA 10.38) a clinical stage biotechnology company, develops drugs for nervous system disorders. Its lead therapeutic product candidate is PTI-125, a small molecule drug, which is completed Phase 2b clinical trial; and investigational diagnostic product candidate is SavaDx, a blood-based biomarker/diagnostic to detect Alzheimer's disease. The company was formerly known as Pain Therapeutics, Inc. and changed its name to Cassava Sciences, Inc. in March 2019. Cassava Sciences, Inc. was founded in 1998 and is based in Austin, Texas.

The positives for SAVA:

1. Alzheimer's, for example, has proven one of the hardest diseases to treat. At least 400 clinical trials of treatments for it have been conducted over the past 17 years, and not one candidate has shown enough of an impact to earn regulatory approval. Right now, the number of people across the world with Alzheimer's is estimated to be about 44 million, and that figure is expected to triple by 2050.Cassava Sciences' oral drug candidate sumifilam recently achieved a first in Alzheimer's studies by both decreasing levels of a dangerous protein associated with the disease and improving blood-brain barrier integrity (its ability to control molecular exchanges between the blood and the brain). Malfunctions in this mechanism have been recognized as a key factor in Alzheimer's disease. This month, Cassava released data from a phase 2b trial of sumifilam; the study tested two dose levels, and participants taking both showed significant improvements on both metrics. ---Motley Fool 11/18/20202. 

2. Number of hedge funds bought into this stock increased from 2 to 8 during Q3.

3. Only 22 million shares float and a big 23% of shares shorted.

4. Earning estimates: +56% this year, +176% next year.

5. 2077 May 21, 2021 12.5 Calls purchased, unusual big volume today.

6. Zacks Research rated #2 stock (Buy).

7. Technicals: It jumped 4.81 yesterday to historical high 12 yesterday and it pull back only 1.07 today. Stock is on verge of a major breakout over 12. Once this happen shorts buy back should squeeze price up big time. SAVA support is 9.5, resistance is 12. It may go up to 16 if squeeze happens.

临床阶段生物技术公司Cassava Sciences,Inc.(SAVA 10.38)开发用于治疗神经系统疾病的药物。其领先的候选治疗药物是小分子药物PTI-125,已完成2b期临床试验;候选诊断产品是SavaDx,一种基于血液的生物标志物/诊断阿尔茨海默氏病。该公司原名为Pain Therapeutics,Inc.,并于2019年3月更名为Cassava Sciences,Inc.。Cassava Sciences,Inc.成立于1998年,总部位于德克萨斯州奥斯汀。


 1. "阿尔茨海默氏病已被证明是最难治疗的疾病之一。在过去的17年中,至少进行了400次有关该药物治疗的临床试验,而且没有一位候选药显示出足够的影响力来获得监管部门的批准。目前,全世界患有阿尔茨海默氏症的人数估计约为4400万人,预计到2050年,这个数字将增加两倍。与疾病相关的危险蛋白,并改善血脑屏障的完整性(控制血液与大脑之间分子交换的能力)。该机制的功能障碍已被认为是阿尔茨海默氏病的关键因素。本月,SAVA发布了sumifilam 2b期试验的数据;该研究测试了两种剂量水平,服用两种剂量的参与者在两种指标上均显示出明显的改善。" --- Motley Fool 11/18/20202。



 4.收益估算:今年+ 56%,明年+ 176%。

 5. 2077 2021年5月21日12.5看涨期权倍购买,今天的交易量异常大。

 6. Zacks Research将其评为#2股票(买入级别)。

 7.技术分析:昨天SAVA跳升了4.81,至昨天的历史高点12.99,今天仅回落了1.07。股票看来准备突破12。一旦发生这种情况,空头回购应该会推动价格飙升。 SAVA支撑是9.5,阻力是12。如果逼空发生,它可能会上升到16。