Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Scenes Of The Market Reversal Down 市场反转向下的场景

Today, on the 10th day of rally,  both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 came down from up 136 and 23.74 earlier to close up only 15.8 and 7.99 at the close respectively but still made fresh new highs. While the Nasdaq Composite rose close to all time high earlier in the day but closed below, it came down from up 148 to up only 7 for the day. The above 3 major market indexes all have form bearish long upper shadow reversal candles formations. TSLA dropped from up 70 early in the day to closed down 6.43 at the close, a classic buying climax reversal down. FB is not behaving well neither after a mixed earnings report, it is down 3.92% today and its 200 day moving average support has been broken. TSLA and FB's weak performances today were part of the reasons that dragged down the whole market. The seemingly forever weak volatility index VIX has finally bounced up from near all time low level. All the above are signs that the market is overbought and tired and is likely to come down. Influential tech earnings reported after market and market responses are as follows:

MSFT beats on EPS, beats on revenue, stock is only up 1.91% during after market trading.

GOOG beats on EPS, beats on revenue,  but Google Cloud and YouTube performances are not satisfactory, stock is down 0.45% during after market trading.

TWTR misses on EPS, revenue is in line, stock is up 3.70% during after market trading.

TXN beats on EPS, misses on revenue, stock is down 3.59% during after market trading.

AMD beats on EPS, beats on revenue, guides Q4 revenue higher, stock is down 0.55% during after market trading.

These kind of lukewarm reactions to earning report do not bode well with the forth coming AAPL and AMZN earnings reports since supply chain problems and higher costs are expected to negatively impacting both companies. If market do not respond well to earnings of these two companies on Thursday, there is no other hope for the market. 

今天,是连续上涨的第 10 天,道琼斯工业平均指数和标准普尔 500 指数均从早些时候的上升136 和 23.74 回落,收盘分别仅上涨 15.8 和 7.99,但仍创下历史新高。虽然纳斯达克综合指数在今日早些时候上涨至接近历史高点但收于下方,从早上升 148 点回落至仅上涨 7 点。上述3个主要市场指数均形成看跌的长上影线反转蜡烛形态。 TSLA从当天早些时候的上涨70回落至收盘下跌6.43,经典的买入高潮反转下跌。 FB 在报出喜忧参半的业绩后表现不佳,今日下跌 3.92%,并已跌穿200 日均线支撑。 TSLA和FB今天的疲软表现可能是拖累了整个市场的一部份原因。看似永远疲软向下的波动率指数 VIX 终于从近乎历史低位反弹。以上都是市场超买疲态的迹象,有可能会开始回落。在收市后发布的具有影响力的科技财报及市场反应如下:

MSFT 每股盈利好于预期,营业额好于预期,股票在盘后交易中仅上涨 1.91%。

GOOG 每股盈利好于预期,营业额好于预期,但Google Cloud及YouTube表现不令人满意,股票在盘后交易中下跌 0.45%。

TWTR 每股盈利坏于预期,营业额与预期相同,股票在盘后交易中上涨 3.70%。

TXN 每股盈利好于预期,营业额坏于预期,股票在盘后交易中下跌 3.59%。

AMD 每股盈利好于预期,营业额好于预期,调高第四季营业额指引,股票在盘后交易中qu下跌0.55%

这种对财报的冷淡反应对于即将发布的 AAPL 和 AMZN 财报来说并不是一个好兆头,同时供应链问题和高成本预计会对两家公司产生负面影响。在这两家龙头公司于周四发布报告后若果市场反应不佳,市场就没有其他希望了。

Sunday, October 24, 2021

It Is Time to be Cautious Again又到了要谨慎的时候了

Changes in Apple's operating system iOS 14 had cut into Snap's Q3 advertising revenues. The miss on revenue has drove SNAP stock down over 26% last Friday. This news sparked sell offs in stocks that may have the same problem. These stocks include FB, GOOG, TWTR, PINS and AMZN. Sharp drop in INTC(-11.7%) due to mixed Q3 report and outlook and caused 13 analysts to downgrade its price target also dragged the Nasdaq Composite down. On top of the above negatives Fed Chairman said that inflation is much higher than target, and it is time to start tapering. Traders have bid up the odd of interest rates hike in June 2022 to 70%.  

The weakness of technology stocks on Friday has led to increased risk in this week's tech earnings reports. This week's tech earnings reports are: Monday's FB; Tuesday's MSFT, GOOG, TWTR, AMD; Thursday's AAPL, AMZN. Other influential earnings reports this week are: Tuesday's UPS, GE, MMM; Wednesday's BA, GM, KO, MCD, TEVA, BMY; Thursday's MA, CAT; Friday's XOM, CVX.This week is the most important earning week and is crucial for the direction of the stock market. Watch out!

After the recent correction of about 6%, both the Dow and S&P 500 proceed to touch all time highs this past week only to come back down on Friday. While the Nasdaq Composite after retraced 7.5% from all time high recently and rallied back near all time high this week before pulling back sharply on Friday.  Even though technically major market indexes are still in uptrends, the thing is how much upside they still have and whether they can break above all time high as the following potential problems loom. It is time to be cautious again. 

1. Fed to start reducing bond buying in November.

2. Continue higher oil prices, supply chain disruption and higher labor cost driving up inflation.

3. IMF and other analysts have been lowering global GDP estimates.

4. Q3 tech earning risks are looming.

5. China Q3 GDP came in at 4.9% Vs 5.2% estimate. When the Chinese economy slow down,  so will the global economy.

6. Covid-19 problem has not gone away yet as Bloomberg report on Saturday saying " U.K. cases are accelerating faster than in other western European nations, while deaths have jumped to their highest since March." Also ZeroHedge reported that ""China reported 26 new local confirmed Covid-19 infections on Saturday. And while the latest wave is still modest, for Beijing to take the surprising step of making a public announcement that it's about to get worse, suggests just that: that the "data "is about to show a major spike in local cases."

7. The S&P 500 has risen 21.19% so far this year, 31.49% for the last 1 year and 107% since March 2020 low.  These are extreme high returns compare with average about 10.7% annual return for the last 30 years. In addition the steepness of the chart's rising angle is screaming for a big pull back.

8. Last but not least what I need to keep reminding is the stock market is facing extreme national debt (136% of GDP, historical high), high margin debt ($798,605 millions, historical high), and high stock valuations (213% of GDP, historical high).

With these problems facing the stock market and yet it is close to all time high as if there is nothing to worry about worry me a lot. I can think of a few reasons why the stock market keep on going up ignoring risks: Investors's fear of missing out (FOMO) mind set make them keep on buying.  Another problem is it is not in brokerages advantage to recommend getting out of the market even though they see risks ahead.  They always sugar coat the situation. Their analysts may suggest to sell a few stocks but at the same time they will recommend a few stocks to buy. Analysts keep on raising price targets for  stocks because stock prices are way ahead of their original estimates and they need to catch up.  The other problems are the fact that mutual funds have to buy stocks and they rarely sell. Their prospectus required them to be in stock at all time.  They don't protect investors from risks.  I still remember most 401K investments consist of mutual funds dropped 50% during bear markets.  When retail investors keep pumping money into mutual funds, mutual funds would just keep buying disregarding market conditions. The above reasons are blowing a much larger stock market bubble. When liquidity dry up as the Fed starts to tighten and unexpected risk event hit the market, investors will pull back from stocks and a rush of mutual fund redemptions will hit the market hard.   It is time to be cautious again. It is time to trade stock short term and  not the the time to commit money to the market long term as there will likely be better opportunity to do that later. 

苹果操作系统 iOS 14 的变化削减了 Snap 第三季度的广告收入。上周五,收入下滑导致 SNAP 股价下跌超过 26%。这一消息引发了可能存在同样问题的股票的抛售。这些股票包括 FB、GOOG、TWTR、PINS 和 AMZN。由于第三季度报告和前景喜忧参半而被13位分析师调低目标价,INTC 大幅下跌(-11.7%)也拖累了纳斯达克综合指数。除了上述负面因素外,美联储主席表示通胀远高于目标,现在是开始缩减的时候了。交易员将 2022 年 6 月加息的几率提高到 70%。

周五科技股的疲软导致本周科技收益报告中的风险增加。本周的科技收益报告是:周一的 FB;周二的 MSFT、GOOG、TWTR、AMD;周四的 AAPL,AMZN。本周其他有影响力的收益报告是:周二的 UPS、GE、MMM;周三的 BA、GM、KO、MCD、TEVA、BMY;周四的 MA,CAT;周五的 XOM,CVX。本周是财报最重要的一周,对股市走向至关重要。小心!

在最近约 6% 的回调之后,道琼斯指数和标准普尔 500 指数在过去一周均触及历史高点,但周五再回落。纳斯达克综合指数从最近的历史高点回落 7.5% 并在上周反弹至历史高点附近,然后在周五大幅回落。尽管技术上主要市场指数仍处于上升趋势中,关键在于随着以下潜在问题的存在,它们还有多少上升空间和它们能否突破历史高点。是时候再次谨慎了。

1. 美联储将于 11 月开始减少债券购买。

2. 油价持续走高、供应链中断和劳动力成本上升推高通胀。

3. 国际货币基金组织和其他分析师一直在下调全球 GDP 估计。

4. Q3 科技盈利风险迫在眉睫。

5. 中国第三季度 GDP 增长率为 4.9%,而预期为 5.2%。当中国经济放缓时,全球经济也会放缓。

6. Covid-19 问题尚未消失,因为彭博社周六报道称“英国病例的增长速度比其他西欧国家快,而死亡人数已跃升至 3 月以来的最高水平。” ZeroHedge 还报道说,“中国周六报告了 26 例新的本地确诊 Covid-19 感染。虽然最新一波疫情仍然温和,但北京采取令人惊讶的步骤,公开宣布情况将变得更糟,这表明:“数据”即将显示本地病例的大幅飙升。

7. 标普 500 指数今年迄今上涨 21.19%,过去 1 年上涨 31.49%,自 2020 年 3 月低位以来上涨 107%。这些都是极高的回报,而过去 30 年的平均年回报率只约为 10.7%。加上标普 500 指数图表上升角的陡峭程度正在呼喊大幅回调。

8. 最后但并非最不重要的是,我需要不断提醒的是,股市面临着极端的美国债务(是 GDP 的 136%,历史新高)、高融资债务(7986.05 亿美元,历史新高)和高股票估值(是 GDP 的 213%,历史新高)。

股市面临这些问题,但它却接近历史最高点,好像没有什么可忧虑的,这让我很担心。我可以想到股市继续上涨而忽略风险的几个原因: 投资者害怕错失机会 (FOMO) 的心态使他们继续买入。另一个问题是,即使他们看到了未来的风险,建议退出市场也不符合经纪商的利益。他们总是对坏情况进行糖衣包装。他们的分析师可能会建议卖出几只股票,但同时他们会推荐几只股票买入。分析师不断提高股票的价格目标,因为股价远远超出了他们最初的估计,他们需要赶上。另一个问题是共同基金必须购买股票而很少卖出。他们的招股说明书要求他们始终要买股。它们不能保护投资者免受风险。我仍然记得大多数投资于共同基金的401K 在熊市期间下跌 50% 。当散户投资者不断向共同基金注资时,共同基金就会不顾市场状况继续买入。上述原因正在吹出更大的股市泡沫。当美联储开始收紧银根及意外风险事件发生冲击市场时,投资者将从股票中撤出,共同基金赎回的热潮将对市场造成沉重打击。是时候再次谨慎了。现在是短期交易股票的时候,而不是长期向市场投入资金的时候,因为以后可能会有更好的机会这样做。

Monday, October 11, 2021

US Stocks Down Trend Continue 美股跌势继续

Major market indexes bounced after terrible September performances at the start of October. However, 50 day moving averages are still formidable resistances for the indexes. Without recovering above 50 day moving averages, US stock market downtrend will continue. As a matter of fact, the Dow, S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite have all formed very bearish Head and Shoulder tops in the past 3 months, these means US stock market has seen the top. Stocks rallied early today on the tail of strong bounces of Chinese internet stocks, however the rally has since fizzled. Buy on dips have not been working lately. Major stock market indexes are likely to drop towards their 200 day moving averages, they are Dow 33510, S&P 500 4158 and Nasdaq 14013.

Besides technically bearish, followings are a list of bearish fundamental reasons :

1. The Fed, ECB and BOE are all ready to tighten monetary policy soon.

2. High inflation and slow growth ushering in stagflation.

3. Possible Chinese real estate problem contagion.

4. Corporate profit margins are shrinking due to higher material and labor costs.

5. Global fuel concern is spreading. Energy crisis could hamper economic growth. 

6. Q3 earning reports are starting to come in and there has been a lot of downward revisions. 

7. Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have slashed their 2021 and 2022 GDP estimates. 

8. Bullish sentiment is still at extreme as VIX is near its low. When there are problems all around, too much bullishness is not a good situation.

 经过9 月份的糟糕表现之后主要市场指数在 10 月初反弹。然而,50 天移动平均线仍然是个大指数的强大阻力。如果不能恢复到 50 日均线上方,美国股市将继续下跌趋势。事实上,道指、标普500和纳斯达克综合指数在过去3个月都已形成了非常看跌的头肩顶形态,这意味着美股已经见顶。受中国互联网股的强劲反弹的帮助,今日早盘美股上涨,但之后涨势告吹。最近逢低买进都不能维持。主要股市指数可能会跌向 它们的200 天移动平均线,它们是道琼斯指数 33510、标准普尔 500 指数 4158 和纳斯达克指数 14013。



2. 高通胀、低增长导致滞胀。

3. 中国房地产问题可能蔓延全球。

4. 由于材料和劳动力成本上升,企业利润率正在萎缩。

5. 全球燃料担忧正在蔓延。能源危机可能阻碍经济增长。


7. 高盛和摩根士丹利今天下调了对 2021 年和 2022 年 GDP 的预测。

8. 由于 VIX 接近低点,看涨情绪仍处于极端状态。在危机四伏的情况下,过分看涨不是好事,

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Sentiment Is High For Bitcoin To Make All Time High Soon 比特币看涨情绪高涨很快就会创下历史新高

Since July 20 lows, Bitcoin (BTCUSD)  price has appreciated 120%. It is these kind of big move in less than 3 months is what attract investors to Bitcoin investment. Most importantly, the profit driven institutions and corporations can not ignore participating in Bitcoin investing niether. The surge in Bitcoin adaptation also bring it into main stream investing and fresh flood of capital will likely drive  Bitcoin to all time high soon. Latest news that feeds bullish sentiment is Bitcoin Futures ETFs are likely to be approved before the end of October 2021. Analysts are speculating when the above happens it may replicate the Q4 2017 price rally after CME announced Bitcoin Futures trading on October 31, 2017.  Bitcoin saw a move from November 2017 low of 5738 to December 2017 high of 19666, a 243% surge.  Investors and institutions are rushing to buy Bitcoin before this happens again. This is the reason why Bitcoin has been hovering near recent high level without big retracement. Technically,  Bitcoin has formed a bullish Cup and Handle pattern after breaking above its crucial resistances $53000 and the next upside target is all time high level $64967.

Followings are latest bullish news:

1. Over the last week, as $100 million worth of BTC left centralized exchanges, the behavior suggested that investors were looking to hold. More importantly, however, the number of large transactions, including those worth over $100,000 taking place on a given day, also saw a rise. Generally, due to their magnitude, large transactions act as a proxy to institutional activity. Noticeably, the number of Bitcoin large transactions hit a four-month high, with over $240 billion transferred per day for three consecutive days. This was indicative of a growing appetite among institutions investing in the king coin. ---Ambcrypto.com 10/09/2021

2. Analysts are expecting the BTC price to touch $100K this year. Will Bitcoin replicate the Q4 2017 price rally once again? All hopes are on the possibility of the Bitcoin ETF approval ahead of this month. Strong rumors in the market suggest that the US SEC could be approving the first Bitcoin ETF of America, later this month. Similar was a case back in 2017! On October 31st, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Group announced its Bitcoin futures in the market. The CME Bitcoin Futures launched on December 18, 2017, went the BTC price touched an all-time high back then. Calling it a'buy the rumors, sell the news' kind of moment, crypto analysts Lark Davis notes that he wouldn't be shocked to see a similar kind of situation panning out if Bitcoin ETF gets the approval. Not to forget, the institutional activity in Bitcoin is much higher than it was in 2017.---Coingape.com 10/08/2021

3.Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric Balchunas discussed his opinion of the possibility on October 2 and shared a screenshot of the odds. Balchunas also mentioned SEC chairman Gary Gensler, calling him “Genz,” and how he likes the futures version of the bitcoin ETFs. "Yes, the SEC has kicked can on bitcoin ETF approval," Balchunas tweeted. "BUT that is for the physically-backed ones under '33 Act. The futures ETFs filed under the '40 Act (which Genz loves) are very much alive and likely on schedule (we think 75% chance approved in Oct)."---Bitcoin.com 10/02/2021

4. JP Morgan said: “Institutional investors appear to be returning to Bitcoin perhaps seeing it as a better inflation hedge than gold”. The three major reasons behind the recent Bitcoin price rally are:

"The recent assurances by US policy makers that there is no intention to follow China’s steps towards banning the usage or mining of cryptocurrencies."

"The recent rise of the Lightning Network and 2nd layer payments solutions helped by El Salvador’s bitcoin adoption."

"The re-emergence of inflation concerns among investors has renewed interest in the usage of bitcoin as an inflation hedge." ---Coingape.com 10/08/2021

5. Hedge fund and investment firm backed by a16z, Kevin Durant, Ashton Kutcher, and Will Smith,Titan gives four specific reasons why Titan researchers believe bitcoin’s value will “exponentially grow in October, while other crypto assets may plateau.” Titan’s reasons include:

"We believe bitcoin ETFs are coming: Approval of U.S.-based bitcoin futures ETFs could come as soon as this month, with promising comments from SEC Chair Gary Gensler."

"Bitcoin is playing catchup: We’ve seen altcoins make new all-time highs over the last month, while bitcoin has consolidated between $40-50K. We believe Bitcoin is about to catch up to the pack."

"Taking a pause from altcoin season: The Altcoin Season Index shows that altcoin season may have already reached a local peak, with the market returning to bitcoin season in the short term."

“Institutional flows reversal: After suffering its longest run of institutional outflows, bitcoin has started to see strong inflows over the last two weeks. We believe this decisive turnaround in sentiment is due to growing confidence in the asset class among institutional investors. Once an institution buys bitcoin, you can generally expect them to HODL." ---Bitcoin.com 10/07/2021

自 7 月 20 日低点以来,比特币 (BTCUSD) 价格已上涨了 120%。正是这种不到 3 个月的大幅上升吸引了投资者进行比特币投资。最重要的是,利益驱动的机构和企业也不能忽视参与比特币投资。比特币采用的激增也使其成为主流投资,新的资本洪流可能很快将比特币推向历史新高。推动看涨情绪的最新消息是比特币期货 ETF 可能会在 2021 年 10 月结束前获得批准。分析师推测,当上述情况发生时,比特币可能会复制 2017 年第四季度的价格上涨。在 CME 于 2017 年 10 月 31 日宣布比特币期货交易后,从 2017 年 11 月的低点 5738 到 2017 年 12 月的高点 19666,比特币飙升了 243%。在这种情况再次发生之前,投资者和机构急于购买比特币。这就是为什么比特币一直徘徊在近期高位附近而没有大幅回撤的原因。从技术上讲,比特币在突破其关键阻力位 53000 美元后已形成了看涨的杯状突破形态,下一个上行目标将是历史高位 64967 美元。


1. 上周,随着价值 1 亿美元的 BTC 离开中心化交易所,这一行为表明投资者希望持有。然而,更重要的是,大宗交易的数量,包括在一天发生的价值超过 10 万美元的交易,也出现了增长。一般来说,由于规模庞大,大宗交易充当机构活动的代理。值得注意的是,比特币大额交易数量创了四个月新高,连续三天每天转账超过 2400 亿美元。这表明投资机构对货币之王的胃口越来越大。 ---Ambcrypto.com 10/09/2021

2. 分析师预计今年 BTC 价格将达到 10 万美元。比特币会再次复制 2017 年第四季度的价格反弹吗?所有的希望都寄托在本月结束之前比特币 期货ETF 获得批准的可能性上。市场上的强烈传言表明,美国证券交易委员会可能会在本月晚些时候批准美国的第一个比特币期货 ETF。类似的是 2017 年的一个案例! 10 月 31 日,芝加哥商品交易所(CME)集团在市场上公布了其比特币期货。芝加哥商品交易所比特币期货于 2017 年 12 月 18 日推出,当时 BTC 价格创下历史新高。加密货币分析师拉克戴维斯将其称为“谣言买入,新闻卖出”的时刻,他指出,如果比特币 ETF 获得批准,他不会对看到类似情况发生感到震惊。别忘了,比特币的机构活动比 2017 年要高得多。---Coingape.com 10/08/2021

3.Bloomberg ETF 分析师 Eric Balchunas 在 10 月 2 日讨论了他对可能性的看法,并分享了赔率的截图。 Balchunas 还提到了 SEC 主席 Gary Gensler,称他为“Genz”,以及他如何喜欢比特币 ETF 的期货版本。 “是的,美国证券交易委员会已经开始批准比特币 ETF,”Balchunas 发推文说。 “但那是针对 33 年法案下的实物支持的。根据 40 年法案(Genz 喜欢)提交的期货 ETF 非常活跃,很可能按计划进行(我们认为 10 月批准的可能性为 75%)。”- --Bitcoin.com 10/02/2021

4. 摩根大通表示:“机构投资者似乎正在回归比特币,或许将其视为比黄金更好的通胀对冲工具”。最近比特币价格上涨背后的三个主要原因是:



“投资者对通胀的担忧重新出现,重新燃起了将比特币用作通胀对冲工具的兴趣。” ---Coingape.com 10/08/2021

5.由 a16z、凯文杜兰特Kevin Durant、阿什顿库彻Ashton Kutcher和威尔史密斯Will Smioth支持的对冲基金和投资公司,Titan 给出了 Titan 研究人员认为比特币的价值将“在 10 月份呈抛物线增长,而其他加密资产可能会趋于平稳”的四个具体原因。Titan列举的原因包括:

“我们相信比特币 ETF 即将到来:美国的比特币期货 ETF 最早可能在本月获得批准,美国证券交易委员会主席加里·根斯勒 (Gary Gensler) 发表了充满希望的评论。”

“比特币正在迎头赶上:我们看到山寨币在上个月创下历史新高,而比特币已经在 40-50,000 美元之间盘整。我们相信比特币即将迎头赶上。”


“机构流动逆转:在经历了最长的机构流出之后,比特币在过去两周开始出现强劲流入。我们认为,情绪的这种决定性转变是由于机构投资者对资产类别的信心增强。一旦机构购买了比特币,通常可以期望他们会继续持有。” ---Bitcoin.com 10/07/2021

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

More Bullish Cryptocurrency News And A Stock To Buy.更多利好的加密货币消息和可买的一只股票

Reasons for why Bitcoin mining firm Bit Digital Inc. (BTBT 9.48) is a good buy:

1. Big rally in Bitcoin is coming.

2. BTBT Just came off a 69%correction.

3. Cheapest among Bitcoin miners by Price to Sales, P/S only 4.03 Vs 75.96, 36.53 and 21.49 for MARA,RIOT and HUT respectively.

4. Small 43.38 million shares float, but over 11% shorts.

5. Wall Street analysts consensus rating is 4 (highest is 5). 

6. Technicals: BTBT is having big percentage move today with heavy 4.21X average volume. It is breaking above 100 and 20 day moving averages. This is a good momentum buy signal. Resistances are 11, 13 and 15.

Followings are more good news for cryptocurrency :

1. The price rise was also anticipated as the Bitcoin supply on centralized exchanges fell to a new 30-month low which has brought down the chances of another sell-off significantly. Market pundits believe bitcoin could still touch $100K by the end of this year if any major sell-offs don't ruin the bull run. ---Coingape.com 10/05/2021

2. Bitcoin might become a regulated currency for payments in Brazil in the near future, according to statements given by Aureo Ribeiro, a federal deputy. Ribeiro stated that with the future approval of Bill 2.303/15, which regulates cryptocurrencies, new uses would be open for crypto holders, such as buying houses, cars, and even food in restaurants like McDonald's. These comments are the product of the approval of the so-called Brazilian “Bitcoin Law” for presentation in the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies, after being stuck in development for years. Ribeiro also stated that, by its design, this law could be a referent for other countries wishing to regulate digital assets, saying its text is “innovative.” ---Bitcoin.com 10/05/2021

3. Teddy Vallee, chief investment officer at Pervalle Global Capital, said he expects momentum to continue through the quarter if a big equity correction doesn't get in the way of it. “Long term holders now make up more than 80.5% of total supply, which has historically led to large rallies over the ensuing six months," he said. "Absent of a large equity correction, we see prices higher from here by year end. Incremental demand should remain strong, as institutional adoption continues to accelerate, which creates a favorable supply/demand dynamic." The rally comes on the heels of comments made last week by Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell, who said in a House Committee on Financial Services hearing that he has “no intention to ban” cryptocurrencies in the U.S. the way China repeatedly has. ---CNBC.com 10/05/2021

4. "There are dozens, if not hundreds, of billion-dollar proprietary trading firms, hedge funds and other asset managers that have recently made their first crypto trades," Joshua Frank, co-founder and CEO of TheTIE, a crypto and blockchain analytics provider said.He further stated that while there have been some high-profile announcements of funds investing in crypto, there are many more of these developments taking place behind the scenes, of which the public has no knowledge. Frank said that usually, such operations start simple — ie, a fund does a cash-and-carry BTC trade as a proof-of-concept using partner capital — and grow over time. According to a recent survey, a growing list of traditional financial entities are increasingly looking to move into the realm of digital asset trading/investments. Per the report, some 62% of global institutional investors with no current exposure to cryptocurrencies stated that they are looking to get into the crypto market within the next 12 mont hs or so.  The survey considered the views of 50 wealth managers and 50 institutional investors based out of different countries including across the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and the United Arab Emirates. “There is no doubt that the crypto assets market is becoming more mainstream in the institutional and wealth management sectors," the report stated. ---Cointelegrapth.com 10/05/2021

比特币采矿公司 Bit Digital Inc. (BTBT) 值得买入的原因:

1. 比特币大涨即将来临。

2. BTBT 刚刚完成了 69% 的下跌修正。

3. 比特币矿工中最便宜的价格与销售比率,P/S 仅为 4.03,而 MARA、RIOT 和 HUT 分别为 75.96、36.53 和 21.49。

4. 少流通股量(4338万股),空头超过11%。


6. 技术分析:BTBT 今天有很大的百分比波动,交易量是平均交易量的 4.21 倍。 它突破了 100 天和 20 天移动平均线。 这是一个很好的动力买入信号。 阻力位为 11、13 和 15。


1. 由于集中交易所的比特币供应量跌至 30 个月新低,这大大降低了再次抛售的可能性,因此价格上涨也是预料之中的。市场专家认为,如果任何重大的抛售不破坏牛市,比特币到今年年底仍可能触及 10 万美元。 ---Coingape.com 10/05/2021

2. 根据联邦议员奥雷奥·里贝罗 (Aureo Ribeiro) 的声明,比特币可能在不久的将来成为巴西支付的受监管货币。 Ribeiro 表示,随着监管加密货币的 2.303/15 法案未来获得批准,加密货币持有者将有新的用途,例如购买房屋、汽车,甚至在麦当劳等餐厅购买食物。这些评论是所谓的巴西“比特币法”在被搁置多年后在众议院全体会议上获得批准的产物。 Ribeiro 还表示,根据其设计,该法律可以作为其他希望监管数字资产的国家的参考,称其文本具有“创新性”。 ---Bitcoin.com 10/05/2021

3. Pervalle Global Capital 首席投资官泰迪·瓦利 (Teddy Vallee) 表示,他预计如果不出现重大的股市调整,比特币本季度的势头将持续下去。 “长期持有者现在占总供应量的 80.5% 以上,这在历史上导致了随后六个月的大幅上涨,”他说。“如果没有大规模的股市调整,我们预计到年底价格会上涨。增量需求应该保持强劲,因为机构采用继续加速,这创造了有利的供需动态。” 上周美联储主席杰罗姆鲍威尔发表评论后,他在众议院金融服务委员会上表示听说他“无意禁止”美国的加密货币,就像中国一再做的那样。---CNBC.com 10/05/2021

4. “有数十家甚至数百家价值数十亿美元的自营交易公司、对冲基金和其他资产管理公司最近进行了首次加密交易,”加密和区块链分析提供商 TheTIE 的联合创始人兼首席执行官 Joshua Frank说。他进一步表示,虽然已经有一些高调宣布投资加密的基金,但在幕后还有更多这些发展正在发生,公众对此一无所知。弗兰克说,通常,此类操作开始时很简单---即一个基金使用合作伙伴资本进行现金和携带 BTC 交易,作为概念验证---并随着时间的推移而增长。根据最近的一项调查,越来越多的传统金融实体越来越希望进入数字资产交易/投资领域。根据该报告,目前没有接触过加密货币的全球机构投资者中约有 62% 表示,他们希望在未来 12 个月左右的时间内进入加密市场。该调查考虑了来自美国、英国、法国、德国和阿拉伯联合酋长国等不同国家的 50 位财富管理机构和 50 位机构投资者的观点。 “毫无疑问,加密资产市场在机构和财富管理领域正变得越来越主流,”报告称。---Cointelegrath.com 10/05/2021

Monday, October 4, 2021

Bitcoin And Ethereum Looks Ready To Rise Towards All Time High Soon 比特币和以太坊看来快将走向新高

The Chinese government making crypto currency trading illegal triggered correction is now over. Bitcoin (BTCUSD)'s ability to recover above $45000 and $48000 resistances are setting up for the assault on crucial resistance level $53000 immediately. Once the $53000 level is broken, a bullish Cup and Handle pattern will then be formed and the challenge of all time high level $64895 would be inevitable technically. 

After finding good support at the $3000 level , Ethereum (ETHUSD) ,is now on the verge of breaking crucial resistance $3500, accelerated move up to  $4000 is likely if it is broken. Once $4000 is broken, the formation of a bullish Cup and Handle pattern will quickly take ETH to all time high $4380 and above. 

With the stock market trending down, US dollartopping and stagflation on the horizon, it is only natural for investors to find Bitcoin and Ethereum as attractive investment alternatives. Bitcoin Investment Trust (GBTC 39.13) and Ethereum Investment Trust (ETHE 32.35) track Bitcoin and Ethereum performances, they can be bought in the stock market. Other related stocks with momentum are also attractive,they areSI (137.25), HUT(9.56) and MARA (33.52). Followings are more bullish news to support the bullish theme:

1. Digital asset investment products attracted $90 million in new money in the seven days last Friday, the seventh straight week of inflows. Bitcoin-focused funds took in $69 million, according to a report published Monday by CoinShares. It was the third straight week of inflows for bitcoin funds, pushing the cumulative intake over the period to $115 million and cementing a trend reversal from the prior few months when redemptions were the norm.---Coindesk.com 10/04/2021

2. The crypto market started October on a bullish note, jumping more than 10% on the first day of the new month as total valuation jumped over $2.10 trillion. While the last quarter is anticipated to be a bullish one, the Evergrande fiasco could only help it grow further. Bitcoin was created in 2009 because of the 2008 recession and was meant to withstand the failure of the traditional financial system. This was evident during the pandemic as BTC rose to new all-time highs.The final quarter of 2021 could prove to be the biggest bullish quarter as tensions in the mainstream market would propel investors to look for better hedging assets, and Bitcoin is currently the top alternative. BTC's price was trading at $47,703, falling from a daily high of $49,130. The top cryptocurrency is currently trying to regain $50K resistance as support and once past that, it could set eyes on ATH. ---Coingape.com 10/03/2021

3. A Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded fund (ETF) has a 75% chance of being approved this month — in some form.In comments this weekend, Eric Balchunas, senior ETF analyst for Bloomberg, said that United States Bitcoin futures ETFs were “ likely on schedule" for the regulatory green light.Balchunas referred to SEC chair Garry Gensler, who last week hinted at a permissive stance regarding the instruments."When combined with the other federal securities laws, the ’40 Act provides significant investor protections for mutual funds and ETFs. I look forward to staff’s review of such filings." ---Cointelegraph.com 10/3/2021

4. Bitcoin BTC's price surged by 9.88% on the first day in October '21, as it heads for Plan B's October $63K price target. PlanB, famous for the stock-to-flow model predicts that Bitcoin as a store of value would attain the $98K mark in November and the $135K mark in December. He also mentioned a floor model (Worst-case scenario), that's not based on S2F-Stock to flow, but on-chain and price data as the S2F already suggests $100K at the current time. ---Coingape.com 10/2/2021

5. Reduced probability of a regulatory clampdown on crypto markets seems to be cushioning bitcoin from the instability of traditional markets. On Thursday, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell told Congress the central bank has “no intention” of banning cryptocurrencies, including stablecoins. Powell's comments came a day after US Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Gary Gensler reiterated support for bitcoin futures-based exchange-traded funds (ETF). The sentiment in the crypto community appears quite bullish, with several analysts and traders referring to October as “Uptober” on Twitter – a newly coined slang, representing expectations for a price rally this month. ---Coindesk.com 10/1/1921

中国政府将加密货币交易非法化引发的加密货币市场下跌修正现已结束。比特币(BTCUSD)之能够恢复到 45000 美元和 48000 美元阻力位以上,正在为立即攻击关键阻力位 53000 美元做好准备。一旦突破 53000 美元的水平,就会形成看涨的杯状形态,技术上将不可避免地会挑战历史高位 64895 美元。

在 3000 美元的水平找到良好支撑后,以太坊(ETHUSD)现在即将突破关键阻力位 3500 美元,如果它被打破,可能会加速上涨至 4000 美元。一旦突破 4000 美元,形成看涨的杯状形态将迅速将 ETH 带到历史高点 4380 美元或以上。

随着股市下跌、美元贬值和滞胀即将来临,投资者自然会找到比特币和以太坊有吸引力的投资选择。比特币投资信托(GBTC 39.13)和以太坊投资信托(ETHE 32.35)跟踪比特币和以太坊的表现,它们可以在股票市场上购买。 其他有动能的相关股票也很有吸引力,它们是SI(137.25)、HUT(9.56)和MARA(33.52)。以下是支持加密货币看涨的更多利好消息:

​1.数字资产投资产品在上周五的7天内吸引了9000万美元的新资金,连续第七周资金流入。根据 CoinShares 周一发布的一份报告,专注于比特币的基金获得了 6900 万美元。这是比特币基金连续第三周资金流入,在此期间的累计流入量达到 1.15 亿美元,并巩固了前几个月流出成为常态的趋势逆转。---Coindesk.com 10/04/2021

2. 加密市场从 10 月开始看涨,在新一个月的第一天上涨超过 10%,总估值跃升超过 2.10 万亿美元。虽然预计最后一个季度将是一个看涨的季度,而恒大的惨败只能帮助其进一步增长。由于 2008 年的经济衰退,比特币于 2009 年创建,旨在抵御传统金融体系的失败。这在病毒大流行期间很明显,因为 BTC 升至历史新高。 2021 年最后一个季度可能被证明是最大的看涨季度,因为主流市场的紧张局势将促使投资者寻找更好的对冲资产,而比特币目前是最佳选择。 BTC 的交易价格为 47,703 美元,从每日高点 49,130​​ 美元下跌。这个顶级的加密货币目前正试图重登 5 万美元的阻力之上而当之为支撑,一旦突破,它可能会关注 历史高位。 ---Coingape.com 10/03/2021

3. 比特币 (BTC) 交易所交易基金 (ETF) 本月将       以某种形式获得批准的可能性为 75%。在本周末的评论中,彭博高级 ETF 分析师 Eric Balchunas 表示,美国比特币期货 ETF “很可能如期”获得监管绿灯。Balchunas 提到了美国证券交易委员会主席 Garry Gensler上周暗示了对这些工具的宽容立场。“当与其他联邦证券法结合时,1940年的法案提供了重要的投资者保护。我期待工作人员对此类文件进行审查。” ---Cointelegraph.com 10/3/2021

4. 比特币 BTC 的价格在 21 年 10 月的第一天飙升了 9.88%,因为它朝着 B 计划的 10 月 63,000 美元的价格目标前进。以库存到流量模型而闻名的 PlanB 预测,作为一种价值储存手段的比特币将在 11 月达到 9.8 万美元大关,在 12 月达到 13.5 万美元大关。他还提到了一个底层模型(最坏情况),它不是基于 S2F-Stock 的流动,而是基于链上和价格数据的 S2F 已经建议目前应该已达10 万美元。 ---Coingape.com 10/2/2021

5. 监管打击加密市场的可能性降低及传统市场的不稳定似乎正在支持了比特币。周四,美联储主席杰罗姆鲍威尔告诉国会,央行“无意”禁止加密货币,包括稳定币。鲍威尔发表上述评论的前一天,美国证券交易委员会主席 Gary Gensler 重申支持基于比特币期货的交易所交易基金 (ETF)。加密货币社区的情绪似乎相当乐观,几位分析师和交易员在 Twitter 上将 10 月称为“Uptober” (上升10月)——这是一个新创造的俚语,代表对本月价格上涨的预期。 ---Coindesk.com 10/1/1921