Wednesday, October 12, 2022

These Are Pi's Values 这些才是Pi的价值

Pi's value is based on it being use as a currency for bartering, as a super sovereign currency use by individuals,businesses and countries and as the blockchain for Web 3 Apps to run on.When you add all these together,its value is not measurable. Its value is not base on trading.

Pi 的价值是基于它被用作全球流通易货交易的货币,作为个人,企业和国家使用的超级主权货币,以及作为 Web 3 应用程序运行的区块链。当你将所有这些加在一起时,它的价值是无法衡量的。它的价值不是基于在交易所交易。

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Maldo (MLD) Is The Newest Promising Free Mining Crypto Maldo (MLD) 是最新的有前途的免费挖矿加密货币

The mission of the Maldorini developer team is to match and exceed every other good currency in the market with regard to ten monetary characteristics in order to produce a good currency that is the superior qualitative money. These ten monetary characteristics are scarce, censorship resistant, extensible , durable, indestructible, salable, portable, fungible, private and divisible. In order to most effectively harness the power of human action, all aspects of the Maldorini monetary product from creation to distribution and development will hold as the primary purpose or aim to establish greater monetary sovereignty for the buyers and holders in the least costly and most profitable way.

Maldorini is the innovative technology that powers the digital currency Maldo (MLD). A decentralized network for storing and moving money without limitations and borders. In the near future, Maldorini will be responsible for thousands of decentralized platforms and applications. Maldorini is a technology for building apps and organizations, holding assets, transacting and communicating without being controlled by a central authority. The total amount of MLD will be capped at 5 billions.

The Maldo (MLD) digital currency is a new decentralised and mineable cryptocurrency (digital currency or money) that was created by Maldorini Technologies, and it is powered by the web 3.0 blockchain technology. Maldo (MLD) can use for almost everything. You can use MLD to pay taxi fare, buy groceries, book a flight or a hotel, buy a car and pay general bills. You can convert MLD to your local currency. 

The 3 phases of Maldorini development

Phase 1 on the Maldorini Network roadmap is the creation and distribution of the Maldo (MLD) digital currency around the world. In this phase, the Maldo digital currency will be mined by miners around the world through the Maldorini network mobile app. One of the primary purpose of this phase is to build and grow the Maldorini community.

Phase 2 is where the developing team test and perfect the Maldorini network software/application with real-life applications before launching to the main blockchain network (mainnet). As discussed above, the Maldorini network technology is an advanced technological system that aims to revolutionize the world as we know it. In this light, the Maldorini network has to be at its best and most efficient form before completely migrating into the main blockchain network, thus in this phase, the Maldorini Node software/application will be launched on a test network that run with the exact operational protocol of the main blockchain network. Also in this phase the Know Your Customer (KYC) process will be conducted. This process is to validate all Maldorini miners in order to authenticate them as real and existing people.

Phase 3 is after thoroughly test-running the Maldorini software/application on the Testnet, when it is certain and confirmed by the Maldorini community that the software/application is ready for production, then the official Maldorini Mainnet will be launched. As soon as the mainnet is launched , the Testnet and the official mobile mining application will be permanently shut-down and the Maldorini network system will continue to run on its own in a self-sustaining environment powered by the Maldorini community. Note that only the miners' accounts that have been completely validated during the KYC process at the second phase will be migrated into the mainnet with the rest of the Maldorini community. Balances of fake or duplicate accounts will be discarded. 

Be a very early Maldorini participant for bigger return later, join and start mining free.

Steps to join Maldorini Network and start mining for free:

1. Go to App Store or Google Play

2. Find the Maldorini Network App

3. Download the Maldorini Network App and install it

4. Open the Maldorini Network App

5. Fill in the invitation code Wo70548981Ki

6. Fill in the form to register

7. Start mining, valid for one year, no need to restart every day.

Maldorini 开发团队的使命是在十种货币特征方面匹配并超越市场上所有其他优质货币,以生产出质量上乘的优质货币。这十种货币特征是稀缺的、抗审查的、可扩展的、耐用的、坚不可摧的、可销售的、便携的、可替代的、私有的和可分割的。为了最有效地利用人类行为的力量,马尔多里尼货币产品从创造到分配和开发的所有方面都将作为主要目的或旨在以最低成本和最有利可图的方式为购买者和持有者建立更大的货币主权方法。

Maldorini 是为数字货币 Maldo (MLD) 提供动力的创新技术。一个去中心化的网络,用于存储和转移资金,没有限制和边界。在不久的将来,马尔多里尼将负责数以千计的去中心化平台和应用程序。 Maldorini 是一种用于构建应用程序和组织、持有资产、进行交易和通信而不受中央机构控制的技术。

Maldo (MLD) 数字货币是由 Maldorini Technologies 创建的一种新型去中心化和可开采的加密货币(数字货币或货币),由 web 3.0 区块链技术提供支持。 Maldo (MLD) 几乎可以用于任何事情。您可以使用 MLD 支付出租车费、购买杂货、预订航班或酒店、购买汽车和支付一般账单。您可以将 MLD 转换为您的当地货币。 Maldorini 的使命是匹配并超越市场上的每个加密项目。MLD总量上限为50亿枚。

Maldorini Network 发展的三个阶段:

Maldorini 网络路线图的第一阶段是在全球范围内创建和分发 Maldo (MLD) 数字货币。在这一阶段,马尔多数字货币将由世界各地的矿工通过马尔多里尼网络移动应用程序开采。这一阶段的主要目的之一是建立和发展马尔多里尼社区。

第二阶段是开发团队在启动到主区块链网络(主网)之前使用现实应用程序测试和完善 Maldorini 网络软件/应用程序的阶段。如上所述,马尔多里尼网络技术是一种先进的技术系统,旨在彻底改变我们所知道的世界。鉴于此,在完全迁移到主区块链网络之前,马尔多里尼网络必须处于最佳和最有效的形式,因此在这个阶段,马尔多里尼节点软件/应用程序将在一个测试网络上启动,该网络以精确的操作运行主区块链网络的协议。同样在此阶段,将执行了解您的客户 (KYC) 流程。这个过程是为了验证所有 Maldorini 矿工,以验证他们是真实存在的人。

第 3 阶段是在测试网上彻底测试运行 Maldorini 软件/应用程序后,当 Maldorini 社区确定并确认该软件/应用程序已准备好生产时,将启动官方 Maldorini 主网。 一旦主网启动,测试网和官方移动挖矿应用程序将永久关闭,马尔多里尼网络系统将继续在马尔多里尼社区支持的自我维持环境中独立运行。 请注意,只有在第二阶段的 KYC 过程中已经完全验证的矿工账户才会与 Maldorini 社区的其他成员一起迁移到主网。 虚假或重复账户的余额将被丢弃。

成为早期的 Maldorini 参与者以获得日后更大的回报,加入并开始免费挖矿。

加入Maldorini Network免费开始挖矿的步骤:

1. 进入手机应用商店App Store或 Google Play

2. 寻找Maldorini Network App

3. 下载Maldorini Network App后安装

4. 打开Maldorini Network App

5. 填上邀请码Wo70548981Ki

6. 填表注册

7. 启动挖矿,有效期为一年,不用天天重新启动。

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Pi's Success Is A Given Now, What Is The Next Coin To Join ?

After nearly 4 years of development, Pi Coin has been successful, and pioneers can get huge monetary rewards for their hard work of mining when its Open Mainnet is launched. The core team's Open Mainnet launch is targeted for the end of 2022.

Since the technology of traditional cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum has fallen behind, it is more efficient to develop new ones as it is to improve on old ones. Therefore, a new generation of cryptocurrencies that can be mined for free by mobile phones has emerged. The future will belong to  these emerging cryptocurrencies that can keep up with times. Pi Coin is one of the best. By being able to have awareness, catch up with the trend of the new crypto era, and participate in a timely manner, one can have the opportunity to obtain great wealth.

Maldorini Network is the newest and purposeful cryptocurrency created for tomorrow's needs, its coin is  called Maldor (MLD). The Maldorini Network was launched on August 6, 2022, which is still very new and is the perfect time to join. Especially for those who missed the Pi Coin's golden period (2019). There are many free mobile mining systems out there, after reading their white papers, I like Maldorini Network better.

The Maldorini Network primarily aims to build and establish a technology powering a currency that is far more than just a privacy-focused, secured, adequately-distributed and decentralized cryptocurrency. In addition to been an absolute-privacy driven coin, the Maldorini network has created a system with two effective and efficient decentralizing proof of work and proof of stake algorithms. In addition to payments, decentralization, and privacy features, the Maldorini Project plans include its direct use as a currency for provisioning scalable and secure public blockchains for Maldorini applications built upon these parallel chains to scale. What this will do is simple: It will enable all people as well as all nodes on the Maldorini network to participate and benefit from a decentralized, blockchain service economy. Maldorini Network supports Web 3.0, the third generation of the future revolutionary Internet.

Steps to join Maldorini Network and start mining for free:

1. Go to App Store or Google Play

2. Find the Maldorini Network App

3. Download the Maldorini Network App and install it

4. Open the Maldorini Network App

5. Fill in the invitation code Wo70548981Ki

6. Fill in the form to register

7. Start mining, valid for one year, no need to restart every day.



由于传统加密货币如比特币及以太坊等的技术已经落后,改良旧的货币不如发展新的货币有效率,一批手机免费挖矿的新一代加密货币因而应运而生。以后将是这批能跟上时代新兴加密货币的天下。 Pi币是其中的佼佼者。能够有认知,赶上新时代潮流,及时参与,才能有获得巨大财富机会。

Maldorini Network 是最新并且目标明确,为适应明日需求而创建的加密货币,货币名为Maldor (MLD)。Maldorini Network在2022年8月6日推出,还是刚开始不久,是最佳时机加入。尤其是对错过Pi币黄金期(2019年)参加的朋友。外面还有很多免费手机挖矿的系统, 在看过了他们的白皮书后,我还是比较钟情于Maldorini Network。 

Maldorini 网络的主要目标是制造和建立一种技术,为货币提供动力,而不仅仅是一种注重隐私、安全、充分分布和去中心化的加密货币。 除了绝对隐私驱动的货币之外,马尔多里尼网络还创建了一个具有两种高效的去中心化工作证明和权益证明算法的系统。除了支付、去中心化和隐私功能之外,Maldorini 项目的计划还包括将其直接用作一种货币,为基于这些平行链的 Maldorini 应用程序提供可扩展且安全的公共区块链以进行扩展。 这样做很简单:它将使 Maldorini 网络上的所有人以及所有节点都能参与并受益于去中心化的区块链服务经济。Maldorini Network支持未来具革命性的互联网第三代Web 3.0。

加入Maldorini Network免费开始挖矿的步骤:

1. 进入手机应用商店App Store或 Google Play

2. 寻找Maldorini Network App

3. 下载Maldorini Network App后安装

4. 打开Maldorini Network App

5. 填上邀请码Wo70548981Ki

6. 填表注册

7. 启动挖矿,有效期为一年,不用天天重新启动。