Wednesday, June 9, 2021

How To Trade Meme Stocks 如何操作社交网站传播的模因(MEME)股票

A new way of stock trading was born in recent months, its meme stock trading. Definition of meme:an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation. A meme stock is a highly shorted stock mentioned in social media and everybody pile in to push the stock higher,even though the reasons cited may be faulty and without any fundamental backings. Besides the well known AMC and GME, thelatest meme stocks are CLOV and WEN. described how the pump and dump of a meme stock work as follows:

1) Retail investors ignite the momentum, squeezing shorts out;

2) ...which grabs the attention of institutional/hedge funds, who then deploy leverage to spark the gamma squeeze meltup...

3) ...which further squeezes the shorts out...

4) ...enabling hedgies to implement shorts at much higher prices, slamming the stock lower...

5) ...setting the stage for the next retail-ignited squeeze.

Rinse... Repeat.

Knowing how the pump and dump work from the above descriptions, followings are my suggestions of how to trade meme stocks if you have to:

1. Trade them short term (1 or 2 days), don't expect them to be a good long term investment.

2. Know how price chart work: trend, support and resistance. Buy at support, sell at resistance.

3. Always take windfall profits, 50% to 100% move in a day is a lot, don't be greedy, take them.

4. When price chart goes vertical, it's about to fall, get out.

5. When you have significant profit, protect them using sell stop order. When you worry about big loses, use Stock Loss Order for protection.

6. Big price move accompanied with huge volume is a sigh of climatic action, get out because price is ready to turn.

7. Price movement in these stock are usually fast and furious, be fast and decisive in taking profits and cutting losses. It is the ultimate test of trader skill.

8. If you are not watching the market all the time, you are not suitable to trade these kind of stocks.

Following is a list of popular meme stocks watch:

近几个月诞生了一种新的股票交易方式,他是模因(meme)股票交易。模因(meme)的字义是:一种文化或行为系统,可以被认为是通过非遗传方式从一个人传给另一个人的,尤其是模仿。用月股票上,模因(meme) 股票是社交媒体中提到的高卖空率的股票,即使传出的原因可能是错误的并且没有任何基本面支持的,一旦传出后,口口相传,每个人都在最买该股票,价格因而被推高。除了著名的AMC和GME,最新的是CLOV 和 WEN。 介绍了模因股票如何被推高后被抛售的运作程序如下:


2)  这引起了机构/对冲基金的注意,然后他们利用杠杆来引发伽玛挤压式熔升。


4) 使对冲者能够以更高的价格实施卖空,从而导致股票下跌。



从上面 的描述中了解了meme股票暴涨和暴跌的工作原理后,如果您一定要操作这种股票的话,以下是我对如何交易 meme 股票的一些建议:

1. 短期(1 或 2 天)交易它们,不要指望它们是好的长期投资。

2. 先了解价格图表的工作原理:趋势、支撑和阻力。在支撑位买入,在阻力位卖出。

3. 一旦遇上暴利,一天50%到100%的变动是极多的了,不要贪心,获利退出吧。


5. 当您有可观的利润时,使用卖出止盈单来保护它们。当您担心会赔大钱时,用止损单保护。

6. 大涨幅伴随着大成交量是上升高潮的显示,价格会很快转跌,所以要退出。


8. 假如你不是分分钟在看市,你不适合操作这些股票。


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