Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Odds Favor Market Correction 市场下跌调整的机会大

Major market indexes have been surging upward since December 26, 2018. In the last 29 days (including today), the S&P 500 is up 16.5%, Dow up 16.9%, Nasdaq up 19.5% and Russell 2000 up 20.1%. This kind of big move in such a short time has never happen in the last 20 years. Surprises are being made all the time and any thing can happen in the stock market. However, it also means the market is very overbought.

Optimism of a US-China trade deal by the end of February and earning reports are better than people's fear have been driving the recent market surge. As the market has discounted a good outcome in the trade deal and most influential earnings are done, what is left to drive the market higher? Bullish sentiment is too high.

Moving averages have proven to be good supports and resistances especially the 50 and 200 day moving averages. Recently as the Dow cleared and stayed above its 200 day moving average for more than 3 days, other indexes followed the lead and have been racing towards their 200 day moving averages. The benchmark index S&P 500 is closest to its 200 day moving averages (2741) than the Nasdaq and Russell 2000 and it has came to only 3 points away from 2741 today. It virtually has reached resistance. The stock market is likely going to pause if not reverse and correct. Other market turning signs are also lining up, and they are trend line crossing on February 4 and February 7, New Moon and Beginning of Spring( Chinese Calendar) on February 4. These are proven accurate turning point signals and they are here.

The odd favors a market correction near term.





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